Israeli Technology – Firefighting and Rescue Teams Spearhead

Photo illustration Wikimedia US Marines
personal mobility firefighting

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Fires constitute one of the most extreme dangers to human lives and property. When every second counts, the response is conditioned on mobility and immediate accessibility to the scene. However, the large, heavy firefighting vehicles are not always capable of accessing the fire scene and supplying the equipment for its extinguishment.

During the last few years, Israel has been coping not only with summer forest fires but also with the arsons and fires at the Gaza border, caused by incendiary balloons and kites attacks.

An Israeli ground-breaking development offers an innovative personal mobility solution for various search and rescue, HLS, military, firefighting, first responders, and home front command missions, as well as civilian applications. The EZRaider four-wheeled tactical vehicle has already helped military police at the Gaza border to access the fire area.

This compact vehicle with extraordinary maneuverability, developed by DSRaider, can serve as the spearhead of the firefighting truck and the rescue vehicle, enabling simple mobility from one scene to another. It can be transported by a large vehicle to reach the fire or disaster scene.

EZRaider photo by DSRaider

The EZRaider serves as an ideal and unique solution for the delivery of equipment and supplies to the teams, the evacuation of survivors and injured, the supply of electricity generators, etc.

Powered by an electric engine, the vehicle weighs between 90-135 kg in accordance with the model. It can carry loads 2.5 times its weight, and go up to 80 km on a single charge.

The company’s technology is based on Israeli knowledge and development, components manufactured abroad, and at Migdal Haemek, Israel.

The advanced vehicle has been sold to various countries globally, and in Israel it is already operative with the Police, at the Jerusalem train tunnels, and at the operations of the United Hatzalah emergency medical treatment. Soon, the company is expected to meet the Israeli national firefighting array.

Ze’ev Sofer, VP Acquisitions at United Hatzalah and CEO of the Rescue Units Organization, tells about United Hatzalah’s experience: “This vehicle with excellent navigability serves us for securing crowded events, for dispatching paramedics to areas where no other vehicle can access. This vehicle is simple to operate, and enables secure mobility also within the crowds, as the rider is physically higher than the people around. It also serves us for injured evacuation: During the last three years, we used it during the Lag Ba’omer events in Mount Meron, for evacuating injured from spots that are not accessible to other vehicles, transferring them rapidly and securely and to the ambulance.”

EZRaider photo by DSRAIDER

According to Sofer, “in rescuing lost hikers, such as at the Judean Desert, the vehicle is the first to reach the injured or hiker, even before any of the search and rescue forces, and even enables the evacuation from the area.” The organization also took part in the Home Front Command’s drills which simulated earthquake response, injured evacuation through unnavigable trails, etc.

EZRaider photo by DSRaider

The vehicle, which can be integrated in any detection, thwarting and firefighting, serves as a force multiplier from several aspects:

Speed and navigability – The vehicle supplies rapid mobility to the scene in cases where time is critical. It can approach very close to the fire area, passing through trees, obstacles, etc., that the fire truck is unable to go through, thanks to its small dimensions – it is only 66-72 cm wide. 

The EZRaider can move through any type of terrain, including forests, sand dunes, snow, deep mud and places that are not accessible to any other vehicle. Its components can withstand extreme temperatures and conditions. Its low gravity center and the patented, unique mechanism enable it stability at all terrain. Structurally, because of the vehicle’s low center of gravity, and a unique patent-protected mechanism, no matter the fluctuation of ground levels – the standing platform will always remain stable. The narrow width of the vehicle enables navigability everywhere.

EZRaider photo by DSRaider

Situational awareness – The vehicle supplies the firefighter command with a control capability. The team commander can ride the vehicle and reach immediately the firefighter teams around the scene while watching drone livestreams on a screen on real-time, receiving the full “combat picture” of the fire.

Supply – The vehicle brings immediate supplies to the firefighters, including water and food, medical equipment, evacuates the injured and carries breaching equipment. 

Emergency evacuation of disabled – The evacuation and supplies transfer to people who are unable to leave their homes during emergency or disaster.

Securing mass events – This simple to maneuver vehicle enables mobility within the crowd.

Dual use – As a dual-use vehicle for security and civilian uses, the EZRaider can operate everyday missions for the local authority, and on emergency – its advantages can be leveraged for search and rescue missions. 

The vehicle is simple to operate and does not require any special training, its maintenance costs are low.

In security configurations, the vehicle can be attached to an electric cart with engines, thus becoming a six-engine vehicle, with payload capability of up to 0.5 ton, which helps transfer equipment with the help of various configurations, e.g. carrying a stretcher, etc.

The EZRaider tactical four-wheeled vehicle is undoubtedly an efficient and flexible spearhead for first responders wide range of operations.