The UK MoD has acquired a nano-drone technology designed and built in the UK, a step marking a change in the ability for local...

One of the biggest bottlenecks for the modern aerospace industry is that conventional engineering and manufacturing techniques are far too slow for a rapidly...

British military shifts away from conventional military technologies to focus on space, artificial intelligence and cyber warfare. The country's armed forces have been reduced...

A new sensor technology with potential for application in drones has been inspired by mosquitoes. Some mosquitoes are night owls of the insect world,...
chemical hazards

A new method for containing and deactivating neurotoxic chemicals like VX and sarin has been developed with the funding of the UK Ministry of...

Current military forces communications rely on increasingly complex and intelligent two-way data networks that link everyone from the commander to the frontline troops. These...

More and more Military Forces have been establishing dedicated cyber organizations. Cyber attacks are as deadly as those faced on the physical battlefield, British...
drone delivery

Drones offer the opportunity to quickly and easily take corona tests, drugs or personal protective equipment to places that are difficult to reach by...

As the incident at Gatwick Airport in December 2018 and other airports demonstrate, the capability to locate both the drone and its controller would...

By Dani Kronenberg, HAZMAT Engineer and Consultant The financial sector, encompassing banks, insurance companies, pension funds, credit card companies, the stock exchange, etc., is a...
friend or foe

Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) technology is central to all military operations as it acts as a modern-day ‘challenge and response’ password system based...
global defense spedning

Global defense spending in 2019 saw the largest increase in one year since 2010, according to the annual report by SIPRI - the Stockholm...

The UK Ministry of Defence wants to increase its presence in the underwater battlespace and is exploring the use of extra-large uncrewed underwater vehicles...

An Israel-UK collaboration in the development of a revolutionary technology for coping with the coronavirus. An innovative air filter that captures and destroys coronavirus...
big data

Big data technologies have been playing a major role in coping with the global COVID-19 pandemic, helping to arrange the huge amounts of data...

The UK domestic counter-intelligence and security agency MI5 wants to strengthen its collaboration with the private sector in harnessing artificial intelligence to help combat...

The Zoom video conference app has seen a huge rise in downloads since quarantines were imposed around the world. Public Zoom hangouts and working...
organized crime

A man was recently charged in a UK court with making false ‘medical kits’ alleged to treat Covid-19. The kits allegedly contained harmful chemicals....

Wargaming serves to encourage participants to think innovatively and outside the box. It allows them to immerse themselves in the rigours and demands of...

Last-mile resupply, the final chain of the logistics mission involving the delivery of combat supplies such as fuel, ammo, and water to personnel engaged...

Scientists often require cloud-free views of the world when utilizing satellite imagery. However, nearly 70% of the globe is covered by clouds in any...
drone detection

Illegal drone flights are a growing problem for airports, utilities and factories. London Heathrow Airport has recently deployed a new system aimed at preventing...
