Growing Role of Video Analytics at the Security and Marketing Sectors

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The role of video analytics in the security and law enforcement fields has been growing, and its  functions have expanded to traffic control and marketing as well. Video capabilities provide a wide range of detection and identification capabilities, based on analysis of the video content – video analytics.

Video analytics enables security teams to detect objects and intrusions while ignoring normal environmental conditions, detect suspicious movements or objects that are not at their usual place, identify and classify them and finally alert the security teams on real time.

Capturing and extrapolating video meta-data in an automatic way, enables breaking the glass-ceiling of “user/cameras” ratio, making small effective control centers achievable. Indexed and well-extrapolated video content, enables effective fusion of the visual with all other types of data (text, CDRs, ANPR, DBs, etc.) in order to get better situational awareness and intelligence alerts. This way the advanced capablities of video analytics platforms in characterizing the visual information enable accurate and rapid retrieval of the information from the databases.

In addition to the security sector, video analytics also help control traffic in public areas such as airport, railway stations and routes.

Recently these platforms have become an important means to advance marketing capabilities of businesses, as chains and malls see value in data mining images collected by security video.

The forthcoming iHLS conference will examine the various uses of this technology and present the latest innovations in the field.

The fourth Israeli Video Analytics Conference – the main event in Israel’s video analytics sphere – will be held on November 2, 2016 at Lago, Rishon LeZion.


  • Infrastructure – Passive, Active, Intelligent
  • Computing and Storage – Distributed and Centralized
  • 3D video – trends (MVC, 3D-VMD) – RoadMap ?
  • Face and Gesture Analysis
  • Video Analytics and “Wisdom of the Crowd”
  • Anomaly Detection in Crowded Scenes
  • Weighted Symbolic Analysis of Human Behavior for Event Detection
  • Advanced Video Compression Methods
  • Video Forensics
  • Video Indexing, Synopsis and Integration
  • Data Mining, searching in “Big Data” – video archive
  • Video protection – cyber attract , Reliability of video (Water Marking, Anomaly, video deep inspection)

