Crimefighter Drones or Anoter Way of Invading Privacy?

Crimefighter Drones or Anoter Way of Invading Privacy?

photo illus. drone by Pixabay

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In the civilian arena of law surveillance and security, UAVs and drones are destined to revolutionize law enforcement. It is clear that drones provide high-quality data and surpass the human eye in complex tasks.

Drones today are equipped with a number of propellers, which help them reach high speeds and scan an area more efficiently. Data from drones are perfect for law enforcement and surveillance missions, so they can prevent crime, increase oversight, and document violations of laws.

Drone technology offers many benefits to law enforcement forces, but some warn against its adoption, according to The use of drones could, some argue, create a police state under the watchful eye of the “big brother.”

For the purpose of preventing the misuse of drones by U.S. law enforcement agencies, using them for scanning and searching private areas will require a specialized order.

As a result, we can conclude that any new technology also needs to be regulated in order to prevent misuse, and that in the case of drones, establishing guidelines and restrictions will contribute to creating a safer community.