The business of 3D printed guided weapons

3D printing has become a convenient and fast way to produce just about anything that has a blueprint these days, from guns to shoes....

Roboboat Competition Completes its 8th year

The annual RoboBoat Competition for autonomous surface vehicles (AVS) took place in Virginia Beach, Virginia several days ago and hosted 16 teams from the...

DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge’s Final Stage

Seven teams from around the country have earned the right to play in the final competition of DARPA’s Cyber Grand Challenge (CGC), a first-of-its-kind tournament...

What could nano-technology do for defense?

Many countries are investing a lot of money into building a defense system that can, on a day of command, deal with the many...

Detect identify and kill

In current warfare targets in many cases can be hit only in a "window" that is a few seconds in size. The Rafael Spice-250 gliding...

New way to secure the Internet of Things

The meaning of Internet of Things (IoT) is basically a connection of all apects of our lives, anything technological (and not technological) in our...

Military Nano-Technology

Surely we've all heard that spider webs are stronger and far more resilient than metal strings of the same diameter. The human wish to...

NASA Developing Unmanned Glider For Mars Mission

A small boomerang-shaped aircraft that will go for a test launch later this year could be the first unmanned aerial system to glide over...

Israeli Innovation – Next Generation

The faculty for mechanical engineering in the Israel Institute of Technology has presented the 18 new projects developed by fourth year students who worked...

Not in front of the child: New message encrypting technology

How can we keep our delicate e-mails private? That is a problem faced everyday by many million people around the world. Encrypting e-mails can be...

U.S. Army calls for more advanced Cyber Defense Tech

The US Army is seeking to equip its cyber warriors with cutting-edge networking hardware, and it is going outside the traditional acquisitions system to...

Elbit Systems wins contract for Future Forces technology

Elbit Systems announced today that its subsidiary, Elbit Systems Land and C4I Ltd. was awarded a contract from the Dutch Ministry of Defense, to supply...


Different divisions of the U.S. armed forces, as well as other government agencies such as Darpa, are all working on developing high-tech armor that...

Russia’s new aerial defence

The Russian corporation Rostec reveals a new technology to intercept UAVs, missiles or any other guided electronic attack weapon. The system uses a sort...

Airbus reveals new Helo

Airbus has been tirelessly working on the plan to develop the X6, a new and improved helicopter that is to replace the NH90 and...

Is the Phantom Eye back in action?

Last September Boeing conducted several experimental flights with the Phantom Eye UAV, that is capable of high-altitude and long-endurance flights (HALE). The results of...

Two are better than one: Elbit presents the Air Keeper

The Paris Airshow constitutes as a display window for the range of developments in the technological front of the world today, and many companies...

Cargo helicopter with attack helicopter abilities

Israeli Elbit Systems unveils in the Paris AirShow the BrightNite system. Designed to use in cargo helicopters, the system will enhance its capabilities to...

IBM report for 2014: More cyber security breaches by employees

The IBM annual security survey for 2014 reveals that in that year the number of security related events that turned into full cyber attacks...

Living in the future – technology as urban infrastructure

Google announces the formation of Sidewalk Labs, whose goal is finding technological solutions to issues rising in urban living such as living expenses, transportation...

Smart gun technology prevents unauthorized shooting

According to The Handgun Trigger Safety Act proposed in the U.S, co-sponsored by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass), gun dealers would be required to install...

iHLS TV Interview – divers communication system

Interview with Arie Kalo ,Director UTC - divers communication system Under water communication problems UCT's new system overcomes under water communication problems The reasons for the importance of...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...