What could nano-technology do for defense?

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NanotechMany countries are investing a lot of money into building a defense system that can, on a day of command, deal with the many issues they face. Usually the term “defense system” brings up associations of wepaons, missiles, intelligence etc. Nano-technology also has a place in defense efforts against other countries, and many researches are being done to understand how best to channel it to the cause of protecting soldiers’ lives and the country’s computer systems.

In what ways can nano-technology developments can help a country’s defense system? The answer can be parted in three:

  1. In the area of defending a soldier in the field – nano-technology can strengthen a personal body armour, for example, with the use of carbon fibres combined with aluminum to enhance the armour’s resistance and reduce it’s weight signifcantly. So a soldier fighting in the field wearing personal protection based on nano-technological research can, at times of battle, maneuver more easily.
  2. Nano-technology can also benefit the computer industry, and in the future we might see use of nano-computers: computers so small, and yet with powerful large memories, that can be installed on bullets. Nano-computers can bring us to an age of nano-technology based tools which could gather data about different threats. The robotics field can also use nano-technology and robots’ small size could help them collect information.
  3. The field of nano materials could bring about the inventions of new weapons, modern and powerful like never before, such as the “Super-Thermite”. The field could also be beneficial to developing and improving laser technology to make it more powerful and accurate.

The field of nano-technology research can lead humanity on to things that are currently unimaginable. Ideas like a nano-computer installed on a bullet of a rifle or a gun to improve percision and sim seem as though taken from a sci-fi movie. The future may not yet be here but it is rapidly approaching.

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