Safe / Smart City

Safe / Smart City

counter drone

A new application for drone operators and enterprises automates every phase of flight in one unified solution. Powered by artificial intelligence (AI) computer vision,...

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the multiple challenges states and cities are currently facing. Technology has become more and more important in our daily...

An end to the disruption of having to be at home to receive a parcel. Last-mile delivery is transforming from its analog state into...

Coping with the COVID-19 pandemic spread requires social distancing. Technologies that provide people counting capabilities in public spaces help control the crowd and ensure...
image provided by pixabay

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the multiple challenges states and cities are currently facing. Technology has become more and more important in our daily...

A developer of innovative behavioral recognition systems for real-time video intelligence will improve city safety and help prevent the spread of the coronavirus pandemic....

The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the multiple challenges states and cities are currently facing. Technology has become more and more important in our daily...

Cities are digitizing more of their services to facilitate data gathering on mobility, safety, and in relation to communication with citizens. However, authorities still...

Does smart city technology depend on the 5G communication revolution? A new survey reveals the current widespread support and growing demand among rail users...
counter drone

An unmanned traffic management system is designed, much like the current manned air traffic management system; to assure that people, aircraft, and structures both...

Military and HLS End Users can now take advantage of the latest hybrid VTOL technology that is integrated into fixed wing VTOL UAVs. These...

With the influx of new urban air mobility (UAM) vehicles taking to the skies in the coming years, there is a growing need for...
Simplex Interactive drone fleet

The vision of air transportation based on unmanned aerial vehicles seems closer than ever, hundreds of drones, helicopters, and other unmanned UAVs will bring...

Due to the impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the necessity to respond to changes in the logistics industry has become real and the...

Increase is expected in the use of drones to carry cargo to rural communities that can be hard to reach using overland transport, or...

Watch the leading unmanned technologies and robotics in a way that has never been seen on screen before! This year’s exclusive AUS&R 2020 news...

Products and services will reach people and places faster, without risking safety, thanks to a new drone technology. An automated and streamlined approvals system...

Current drone delivery applications don’t always address the last stage in the delivery process. A new drone technology wants to change the way people...
automotive cybersecurity

Connected vehicle technology is an essential enabler for safer roads and future autonomous vehicle deployments, which both form part of the smart city concept....

Over the backdrop of the Israel-UAE agreement, it is worth taking a look at the emirates’ capabilities in the unmanned flights field. Dubai, the...
Photo illus. drone - by PIKIST

Save the time in your schedule on Monday, September 7th and get ready for Israel’s largest broadcast on unmanned systems. Straight from the TV...

The increasing development of smart cities consisting of cyber and physical infrastructures has backed the growth of the global critical infrastructure protection (CIP) market....
