Not Just Another Zoom Event! 

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Watch the leading unmanned technologies and robotics in a way that has never been seen on screen before! This year’s exclusive AUS&R 2020 news event is approaching, with an impressive investment by iHLS. 

Save the date – Monday, September 7th – and get ready for Israel’s largest broadcast on unmanned systems. Straight from the TV studios, all the leading figures, innovations, technologies, and systems in Israel and globally. Expert presentations and analysis, studio panels, new technologies exposed.

The leaders of the largest defense industries in Israel will expose their strategy regarding all aspects of unmanned systems at the level close to the ground and at multidimensional warfare. IAI EVP and CEO of the Military Aircraft Division, Moshe Levy, Rafael’s chairman, former minister Dr. Uzi Landau, and Shuki Yehuda, senior Strategy VP and lead CTO at Elbit Systems, will elaborate on the challenges and future plans, about which the whole industry should hear.

At the broadcast you will get acquainted with all the innovations and challenges in the realm of vertical take off, without fixed wing: VTOL systems, unmanned helicopters, and drones. Leading companies, such as Alpha, Steadycopter, Bluebird and Colugo will expose their technologies in the field and experts will elaborate on the dilemmas, the technological maturity and dual-use applications in this field.

Anti-drone innovations and challenges, and civilian drone applications in the agriculture, delivery, and logistics fields accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, will be among the subjects of the presentations. We will have the opportunity to meet at first hand the leading drone delivery project of the Israel Ministry of Transportation and the Ayalon Highway, will hear about the programs, challenges, and stage of advancement.

Special attention will be allocated in an international panel to the emergency response field, over the backdrop of the transformations caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Israel Police representative will speak about drones at the COVID-19 era, Dr. Andrew Shepard from Sinclair University in the US and Alpha Unmanned Systems CEO will elaborate on emergency UAVs. 

The highlight of the event will be the live demonstrations of the most advanced and innovative technologies in the unmanned systems field.

Conference Chairman, Col. (res.) Ofer Haruvi said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has made us reconsider our way with regards to the annual conference. This constraint has led us to create a quality broadcast, that provides a wide look from above over the challenges met by the unmanned systems industry with key figures in this industry.” He added that “this year’s conference will focus on unmanned systems on the ground and close to the ground, innovation in various platforms, including VTOL capabilities, innovation in applications, e.g. logistics, delivery, agriculture, first responders, etc. The discussion will also focus on counter-drone solutions as well as regulation in the realm of unmanned systems.”

For details


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