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Experts Warn Cybersecurity Attacks Can Cripple Healthcare

The healthcare industry needs to wake up and focus on securing its infrastructure. We have reported on many cyberattacks on various health infrastructures, hospitals, and...
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Alumor – Clean, Available Water Wherever You Need It

Alumor is a graduate of the INNOFENSE Innovation Center operated by iHLS in collaboration with IMoD. For life to occur, it needs safe drinking water,...
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Call for Dual Use Technology Startups

Are you a startup company related to the security sector? Are you looking for recognition, international exposure, access to investors, and the ability to...
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iHLS Innovation Centre Calls for Dual-Use Security Startups

Are you a startup company related to the security sector? Are you looking for recognition, international exposure, access to investors, and the ability to...
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New Wearable Nanotechnology Revolutionizes Health Monitoring

Engineers at the University of Delaware are revolutionizing human health monitoring using clothing- or more precisely- using nanomaterial-based sensors embedded in clothing, called "Henswear." The team,...
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From Vine Robots to Insect Compasses – Technology Inspired by Nature

Sometimes scientists struggling with innovation find the perfect solution right under their noses- in nature. Following is a selection of innovative nature-based technology, provided...
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Drones and the Future of Disaster Response

Drones are slowly becoming indispensable assets in disaster response and humanitarian aid due to their adaptability, cost-effectiveness, and ability to access hazardous or remote...
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Interpol Warns that Trafficking for Cyber Fraud is Globalizing

The International Criminal Police Organization claims its first operation targeting human-trafficking-fueled cyber fraud shows that the criminal industry is going global, spreading beyond its...
Cyber. image provided by pixabay

This Brain Implant Turns Thoughts into Speech

A revolutionary brain implant invented by a team of neuroscientists, neurosurgeons, and engineers can transform thoughts into speech. This technology will hopefully help people...
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This New AI Tool Can Track Virus Variants

Researchers at the University of Oxford and Harvard Medical School developed an artificial intelligence model that can predict new variants of viruses before they...
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These New Smart Materials Could Revolutionize Wearable Technology

There are many ways in which wearable technology is used to monitor and manage personal health, whether it’s fitness trackers, smartwatches, or many other...
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EU Warns About the Weaponization of These 4 Technologies

The European Commission will reportedly investigate the risks associated with the possible weaponization of four crucial technologies by adversaries. These “potentially dangerous” technologies are semiconductors,...
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The BioTech Revolution – What Comes Next?

During the COVID-19 pandemic, as scientists turned to the biotech field for answers, it became apparent that nanotechnology and AI driven solutions can pave...
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Technology Is Making Us Depressed, According to New Study

Using data collected from the National Health and Aging Trends Study, Harvard Medical School researchers at Brigham and Women’s Hospital explored the various communication...
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New Development of Edible Rechargeable Battery

A team of researchers at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT-Italian Institute of Technology) has created a totally edible and rechargeable battery, starting from...
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Electronic Tattoo – Taking Measurements Without Breaking a Sweat

Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin have developed a temporary "e-tattoo" for the palm that can track excitement and stress using the...
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AI Improves Detection of Air Pollution

Using artificial intelligence, engineers from Cornell University have simplified and strengthened models that can accurately calculate the soot, dust and exhaust emitted by trucks,...
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This Approach to Modeling Could Change Pandemic Simulations

Scientists have been using pandemic and epidemic simulation models for a long time to help determine how a large-scale disease will potentially spread, but...
cyber-brain. Image by pixabay

Computers Will Soon Talk Directly into Your Brain

According to reports, The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is currently developing computers that can be inserted into brains, in order to restore...
surgery room. image by pixabay

The Medical Field Utilizes VR In Unexpected Way

Doctors are discovering the potential of VR headsets as a non-drug way to treat their patients. from an alternative to general anesthetics to a...

I Can Walk Again! – New Technology Opens Previously Shut Doors

Cerebral palsy, strokes, traumatic brain and spine injuries, all of these are examples of conditions that may affect mobility and the way in which...
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Robots Will Replace These Workers By 2025

How soon will we be seeing robots walking about the street? How soon will robots join medical staff in hospitals and aid real people...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...