EU Warns About the Weaponization of These 4 Technologies

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The European Commission will reportedly investigate the risks associated with the possible weaponization of four crucial technologies by adversaries.

These “potentially dangerous” technologies are semiconductors, artificial intelligence (AI), quantum technologies, and biotechnologies, all of which, under the right circumstances, can be weaponized.

According to Interesting Engineering, dual-use technologies that employ semiconductors include radar systems, navigational gadgets, and communication equipment, all of which could be weaponized if applied in a military setting. Furthermore, there are some direct energy weapons used by the military that produce high-energy beams using sophisticated semiconductors.

Other relatively prevalent examples are drones and unmanned ground vehicles, both autonomous weapon systems that can be equipped with AI to function without direct human direction. Such devices can and are employed for target identification, surveillance, reconnaissance, as well as lethal operations.

Another example that can already be seen worldwide is the use of AI to improve cyberattacks- malware with AI capabilities can attack computer systems, damage vital infrastructure, steal confidential information, and even conduct espionage.

The danger with quantum computers is they have the potential to break classical encryption methods by solving complex mathematical problems much faster than classical computers, meaning they could be used for decryption or codebreaking by maliciously intentioned nations.

Finally, the fear of biotechnology weaponization is worrying because of the potential creation and use of biological weapons, which often include the development of organisms that cause disease and can be modified to become more lethal, infectious, or resistant to treatment.

The European Commission is aware of these risks and is acting to avoid worst-case scenarios. An involved EU official anonymously told Reuters that the Commission will do risk assessments of these four technologies with member states, adding that “The deadline is by the end of the year. The next step is to mitigate the risks next year.”

In conclusion, the weaponization of these four technologies both poses significant challenges and also raises opportunities. These technologies on the one hand can enhance security and defense capabilities, but on the other hand, can also introduce new vulnerabilities in the hands of adversaries.

It is crucial to continue the ongoing efforts to establish norms and regulations regarding the responsible use of these technologies in military and security contexts to prevent escalation and maintain stability.