iHLST TV Special Edition – Ebola: the new epidemic that is...

The Ebola epidemic is continuing to spread, with the current death toll at 1500 and the number of patients estimated at 2500. This outbreak...

Emergency Water Supply

Water shortage is a form of weapon. Without water, no army can function and the civilian population crumbles to the point of violent clashes...

iHLS Worldwide News – Keeping You In the Loop

An American Jihadist, Douglas Mccain, 33, was killed in Syria last weekend fighting for the ISIS extremists, he was killed in a battle with...

Four DARPA projects that could change the world

Forty years ago, a group of researchers with military money set out to test the wacky idea of making computers talk to one another...

UN Urges Exit Screening for Ebola at Some Airports

Ebola-affected countries should immediately begin exit screening all passengers leaving international airports, sea ports and major ground crossings, the U.N. health agency said. The agency...

Ambulances go high-tech to prevent crashes

In an emergency, every second counts. But driving at high speeds can compromise the safety of first responders and civilians. There is a new device...

WHO: Ebola outbreak vastly underestimated

Aid agencies call for global response as WHO admits extraordinary measures are needed to contain disease amid rampant fear The WHO has been criticized for...

iHLS TV – Ebola bomb, police drones and data fusion

Articles and issues discussed in this week's report: Miami police tests new surveillance drones New armored mini-tractor for law enforcement agents Possible Ebola "dirty bomb" worries experts U.S....

The number of labs handling deadly germs grows, and so do...

The number of labs handling dangerous pathogens continues to grow, and so does the number of accidents involving dangerous pathogens. The number of reported accidents...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...