Lab Working to detect Biological Weapons

DARPA Funding New Portable Biological Weapons Diagnostics Device

Today’s battlefield can be a very unpredictable place, with threats coming from every direction, including from the air and from underground. Recent conflicts in...

Blockchain at The Service of Police and Armed Forces

Police and security agencies around the world have so far only taken an interest in blockchain – the distributed ledger technology behind cryptocurrencies like...
ransomware attacks

Financial Sector at Special Risk from Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks have become more and more common, attracting more global focus. Rob Wainright the head of the Europol, the European Union Agency for...

Will Blockchain Tech Revolutionize Cybersecurity?

With Blockchain becoming more popular these days, a significant number of US government departments are rapidly showing interest. The US Department of Homeland Security...
Israeli defense industries

Egozi: Steps in The Right Direction, But Too Few

The Israeli defense industries have been encountering more and more obstacles when they offer their products to foreign countries. The international defense market is changing...

Israel as Global Cyber Power – Cyber Week

The cyber sphere has been gaining increased importance regarding the conduct of states, security organizations and the business realm. The vital need to secure...
startup visa

Startup Visa to the US – Under Review

The Trump administration may scrap or indefinitely delay the International Entrepreneur Rule, widely regarded as the U.S. version of a startup visa, according to...
defense procurement procedures

India’s Defense Procurement Procedures Made Easier

New organizational steps will make defense procurement procedures in India more efficient. The Indian ministry of defense committee set up in order to study...

New Cooperation Agreement in the Cybersecurity Field

A new cooperation agreement in the cybersecurity for organizations field offers an efficient response to the growing information security challenges. The cybersecurity company Experis Cyber...

American Security Officials Foresee Bright Cybersecurity Future

A top cyber expert says he expects big changes soon on the US government’s approach on cybersecurity. Retired Lt. Gen. Harry Raduege, who has...

Does Blockchain Have Any Applications in Homeland Security?

The emerging blockchain technology represents an innovative leap forward that has many uses and applications across multiple sectors of the economy. But is it...
alert app

Alert App – Police Involves Locals in Fight On Crime

A new development might help the Staffordshire Police in the UK put criminals behind bars with the help of local people. The Staffordshire Smart...
cyber security

Banks – Most Favoured Target for Cyber Attacks

  Banks and financial institutions are the most favoured target for cyber criminals. Reports by various internet security firms show that the majority of the...

Start-Up: Cyber Security Software from Hardware Point of View

It's no news that today institutes from all sectors, international banks to hospitals, are seeking for a complete cyber defense layer. Cyber DriveWare, which...

Growing Role of Video Analytics at the Security and Marketing Sectors

The role of video analytics in the security and law enforcement fields has been growing, and its  functions have expanded to traffic control and...

Printing Parts with 3D Technology – Risk for Defense Industries?

Defense and aerospace Industries have been facing the risk of bogus parts manufactured by 3D printers. The issue of product safety in these industries is...

Enhanced Cyber Security for DoD Acquisition Projects

The US Defense Department is doubling down on its effort to build cybersecurity into the acquisition cycle as a means of better protecting defense...

DHS Funds New Bitcoin Analytics Tool

US Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate (DHS S&T) is funding the development of a new Bitcoin analytics tool. As Bitcoin becomes...

New CyberSecurity Service Revealed

Although efforts continue to find autonomous solutions to cybersecurity, some companies believe that the human factor has still been important. IBM Security announced the formation...

US-China Talks on Cyber Threat

Cybersecurity negotiations were a key part of U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice's recent trip to Beijing in an effort to strengthen U.S.-China relations...

Excellence in the Defence Industry – Not Only in the Technological...

By Vickie Zisman The Israeli defence industries constantly need to recruit new employees in order to fulfill the new requirements. The global recession in the defence...

iHLS Signed an Agreement with A Korean Governmental Program

A first of its kind memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed between iHLS and Global Tech Korea, a Korean governmental program. GT (GlobalTech) is the international program...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...