Start-Up: Cyber Security Software from Hardware Point of View

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It’s no news that today institutes from all sectors, international banks to hospitals, are seeking for a complete cyber defense layer. Cyber DriveWare, which is taking part in the iHLS’s security start-up accelerator project, brings an innovation which according to many experts in the field will give a solution to all sorts of hacking attacks that organizations today are prone to.

According to the company’s CEO, Hagai Yedidiah, the new component of defense is: “software security, at a very  low layer, that operates from the hardware’s point of view – on the software”. To simplify, we’re talking about analyzing incoming threats from a different perspective than the competition: “It’s like when you’re trying to find ways to prevent a car accident from the driver’s perspective or the car’s perspective, while understanding the way they synchronize” explains Yedidiah: ” The driver and the car have different tools to prevent the accident, understanding the way they work as to separate parts enables to create a more efficient and reliable defense system”.

Currently, large organizations can reach a state of 98% security with relative ease, this almost perfect defense doesn’t stop hackers from finding chinks in the organization’s armors.  Recently hackers have attacked large bank and hospital databases. A sophisticated hacker is able to stop medical equipment from functioning and set terms, like a sum of money, that only once they’re fulfilled the equipment will work again. Risks like this, as well as abilities to confiscate money from banks, have led large organizations to attempt reaching complete defense. “These organizations don’t care about the 98% that they are safe in, they care about the fact that they’re still vulnerable to critical attacks. There’s no cyber security company in the world, even the large ones, that can give a complete security pack by themselves, this is the reason that every organization uses lots of cyber security solutions. All the solutions together give a maximal defense” said Yedidiah.

The company, which has been operating since December 2014, has been developing for the last few months a beta version for its product. Currently they are at a pilot installing phase, one of the pilots is with British banking giants, Barclays. During the pilots there’s a two-way process, on the one hand potential clients examine Cyber DriveWare’s abilities and get a unique layer of security, on the other hand the companies’ developers find new cyber threats and improve their technology. Due to the buzz that the company has created in the market despite its young age it has to choose which customers which ask for its services, it can support.

“One of the big advantages large cyber security companies have is that while we are exposed to a certain amount of computers and thus a certain amount of new threats, their developments are downloaded on  hundreds of millions of computers worldwide and learning to cope with  large array of new threats on a daily basis” added Yedidiah. “However, since we’ve begun operating we’ve worked towards co-operation agreements with large market leaders. So we have access to some large and important databases, all that goes along with typical start-up speed in our work and attitude. This combination of speed and access gives us a key advantage over our competition and reduces the hit of being a small company. With the current round of fundraising, I expect us to enlarge our downloading base and shortly after that to close first contracts”.

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