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Air & Missile Defense

Breakthrough in  Radar Development by ELTA Systems and Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin and ELTA Systems, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries successfully completed a demonstration of their radar solution for the U.S. Army’s Lower...

North Korea might instruct Iran how to hide elements of its...

By ARIE EGOZI Experts assess that North Korea has developed methods of hiding "sensitive" military elements from Spy satellites. "They will for sure export this...

Israeli manufacturers will have to form joint ventures to enjoy the...

East European militaries are increasingly deploying UAVs, with governments planning acquisitions and local defense companies developing systems to bid against Western manufacturers. Poland’s ongoing 139...
lrsam missile

First Made-in-India LRSAM Missile Delivered to India’s Navy

The first LRSAM Missile manufactured in India was delivered to India's Minister of Defense Mr. Arun Jaitley, who awarded it to the Indian Navy....

Egozi: Iran’s Upgraded Cruise Missiles – a Growing Threat

By Arie Egozi Iran is increasing its efforts to develop longer-range cruise missiles with a larger warhead. Israel has identified the growing threat and is working...

Latest Pilot Helmets Provide Innovative New Point Of View

The U.S. Department of Defense is upgrading the "look and shoot" helmet displays used by F-35, F-15, F-16 and F-18 pilots. F-35s are getting the...
air defense system

New Details Revealed Regarding Russia’s New Air Defense System

The newest air defense missile system (ADMS) from Russia has been revealed. Rosoboronexport has revealed details of its Buk-M3 Viking multi-missile mobile medium-range system...
image from video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BP5sDdlLojU&ab_channel=Rheinmetall%E2%80%93DerintegrierteTechnologiekonzern

GMARS ‘Shoot and Scoot’ Missile Launcher System

Lockheed Martin and Rheinmetall unveiled their new missile launcher system called the GMARS (Global Mobile Artillery Rocket System) at the Eurosatory 2024 in Paris. GMARS...
iron dome

UK Purchases Iron Dome Command and Control System

The United Kingdom will purchase Israeli missile defense shield based on Iron Dome to protect Falklands for £78 million. The Sky Sabre system, which...
Air Defense System Control Room

New Israeli Air Defense C4I System Unveiled In Britain

A new air defense system, made by the major Israeli defense contractor Rafael, was unveiled recently in Britain, and will be deployed by the...

US Taking North Korean Threats Seriously

As part of the preparation for North Korea’s growing threat, the Pentagon will try to shoot down an intercontinental-range ballistic missile (ICBM) for the...
Trophy APS for tanks

Germany’s Leopard 2 MBT will be Equipped with Rafael’s Trophy APS

The German Federal Ministry of Defense has decided to equip the Bundeswehr's Leopard 2 MBTs with Rafael's Trophy Active Protection Systems (APS) by Rafael...

AI-Based Corona Status Model Developed by IAI

Israel’s defense industries continue to mobilize their technological resources for the benefit of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) has...

France is Developing Next Generation Air-to-Air Missile System

The French defense procurement agency, DGA, has announced Mica NG air-to-air missile program to replace their MICA medium-range missile. This missile program will renew...

Protecting Helicopters From “Simple” Weapons

By Arie Egozi Many helicopters have been shot down in Iraq, Afghanistan and other war zones using simple weapons like anti-tank rockets, which has accelerated...
battle command

Next Generation’s Battle Command System Undergoing Advanced Tests

A multi-week test of the US Army’s battle command system expected to control air and missile defense shooters and sensors is underway following a...

Iran Unveiled New Weapon Systems

A new surveillance radar, Alborz, and a command-and-control (C2) system, Borhan, were unveiled by the Iranian Army's Air Defense Force. The Army has also...

Arrow-3 Completes Successful Trial

A successful trial of the Arrow-3 anti-missiles missile was completed yesterday morning. Arrow-3 is designed to intercept ballistic missiles from outside the atmosphere. The experiment was...

Drone Batteries Become Increasingly Specialized

The applications of drones for both security and commercial purposes is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. With rapid implementation of drone technology comes the...

What Are The Russian Operating In Syria?

The Russian Aerospace Force operating against the Islamic State militants in Syria are using the latest Su-25SM3 single-seat ground attack aircraft fitted with Vitebsk-25...

Five Times Speed of Sound – New Missile is Underway

Another step toward the fielding of a US Navy and Army co-designed common hypersonic missile. The US Navy has conducted a second-stage solid rocket...

Retired senior German defense ministry official: “Turkey is on its way...

The German intelligence services have credible information according to which "Turkey is headed towards its own nuclear bomb". This is revealed in an interview...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...