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Can Cyberattacks Be Considered a War Crime?

International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutors are currently investigating alleged Russian cyberattacks on Ukrainian civilian infrastructure as possible war crimes – the first ever confirmation...
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Cheap Ukrainian Drone Destroys Top Russian Fighter Jet

One of Russia’s advanced Sukhoi Su-57 stealth fighters was allegedly destroyed by a Ukrainian drone that was almost 589 kilometers behind the front lines. Satellite...
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Russia Reveals Autonomous Kamikaze Tanks

Russia’s High Precision Systems Holding Company revealed two new UGV’ (unmanned ground vehicles) that come in two distinct forms called “Depesha” and “Buggy” and...
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Ukraine’s New “Sea Baby” – A Rocket-Armed Kamikaze Marine Drone

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has recently unveiled its brand-new rocket-armed unmanned surface vessel (USV). This upgraded kamikaze naval drone called “the Sea...
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Ukraine Malware Blackouts and The Physical Threats of Cyber Warfare

Back in 2016, Ukraine experienced the first-ever known malware-caused blackout that affected a fifth of Kyiv's citizens. Six years later, during the early stages...
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Russian Uses AI-Powered Tiny Trucks to Jam Ukrainian Drones

Russian forces are using new unmanned ground vehicles named “Abzats” that have drone-jamming capabilities and are partially controlled by artificial intelligence. The new drone-jamming UGVs...
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Revolutionary Stealth Submarine Can Make 180-Degree Turns at Full Speed

Highland Systems (a company based in the UAE) redesigned the Kronos stealth submarine, which could be a game-changer in the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. Alexander Kuznetsov,...
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How is the Islamic Republic’s Attack on Israel Related to China’s...

Top US Officials look at the recent aerial attack of the Islamic Republic of Iran on Israel as a testing ground for the capabilities...
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Europe’s Largest Nuclear Power Plant Attacked by Drones

Russian nuclear power corporation Rosatom accuses Ukraine’s army of attacking the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant (ZNPP) with drones. The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirms...
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Drone Dogfights – Russia and Ukraine Train UAV Pilots to Fight...

Russia reportedly began training its drone pilots in “drone dogfighting” tactics, demonstrating how modern combat changed to heavily feature and rely on drones. The Eurasian...
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Russia Prepares an Unmanned, Armored, Drone-Charging Truck Against Ukraine

The Russian armed forces will reportedly test the latest modification of the Zubilo unmanned armored vehicle, manufactured by Remdizel JSC. The test will take...
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Russia Unleashes a Dangerous New Wiper

Russia is reportedly using a new and extremely capable malware variant to target Ukrainian telecommunication networks. Cybersecurity threat intelligence platform SentinelLabs reports the new Russian...
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Russia Puts Anti-Drone Cages on its Submarines in Fear of...

Recent footage of two Russian submarines shows they began using anti-drone cages (also called “cope cages”), structures that gained prominence on Russian and Ukrainian...
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Ukraine Kamikaze Drones Destroy Russia’s Black Sea Fleet Warship

Ukraine has allegedly destroyed the Russian warship “Sergei Kotov” in the Black Sea using kamikaze drones. This comes less than two years since Russia’s...
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New Ukrainian Night-Vision Drone Resistant to Electronic Warfare

Ukrainian drone-making company Brave Inventors revealed its Shoolika ("Kite") Mark 6 drone – an electronic warfare-resistant combat drone with impressive night vision capabilities. Brave Inventors...
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US Goes Back to Basics Inspired by Ukraine’s Spy Balloons

The US military is reportedly considering developing acoustic sensors to counter drone threats inspired by Ukrainian prototypes used to find and track Russian drones....
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Drones, Survivability, and Modern Warfare

Drones have rapidly evolved from playing a supporting role in military operations to becoming an essential component of modern warfare, and governments worldwide need...
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Ukraine’s Homegrown Kamikaze Drones

Ukraine’s Homegrown Kamikaze Drones The Ukrainian Army has acquired a UAV that can target strategic sites in Russian territory. The AQ 400 Scythe drone...
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Ransomware Ring Detained after Attacking 71 Countries

Law enforcement agencies from seven countries have recently busted “key figures” behind an international ransomware operation that was operating from several locations inside Ukraine. Over...
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Russia’s Upgraded ‘Lancet’ Suicide Drones

Russia is reportedly using an upgraded "Lancet" suicide drone against Ukrainian soldiers called the "Izdeliye-53," which incorporates a navigation system that can autonomously recognize...
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Ukraine Reveals Self-Developed Kamikaze Robots

Ukraine's Brave1, a military technology cluster, has developed the ground-based “Ratel S” kamikaze robot, which enables precise strikes from a safe distance and is...
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New Nanotech Cloak Hides People from Drones

A Ukrainian material scientist has developed a new “invisibility cloak” to protect Ukrainians from Russian drones by concealing the heat signatures of troops and...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...