Why is Biological Warfare Risk on Increase?

Emerging technologies could facilitate the production and use of biological weapons. Advances in 3D printing, artificial intelligence and robotics could increase the possibilities for...

Unexpected Measure Against Chemical Threats

Drone technology will have an important role in the UK’s defenses against chemical weapon attacks. Defense secretary Gavin Williamson has announced an £11m plan...

New Device Challenges Terrorists

Asymmetric warfare, meaning conventional militaries combatting guerrilla and terrorist organizations, has long posed a challenge for states. New technology combining mobile platforms with the...

In Search for Biological Threat Detection Technologies

The US Department of Homeland Security has been enhancing its efforts to keep biological threats from coming across U.S. borders. It is within this...

Australia Enhances its Defense in CBRN Field

Australia is equipping its armed forces with new chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense capabilities. The defense ministry signed contracts worth A$238 million with...

US Stockpiles New Drug to Address Bioterrorism Risk

The US Congress has taken steps to enable the development and approval of countermeasures to thwart pathogens that could be employed as weapons in...
biological warfare

Unprecedented Terrorist Threat on European Soil?

Armed jihadis plotted or carried out more attacks in Europe last year than in 2016, with a total of 33 attacks either planned or...
future forces

Future Forces to Use Compact Ring for Chemical Threat Detection

The demand for compact, lightweight and portable sensors having the capacity to connect to smartphones and laptops or computers is increasing. Among these are...
Lab Working to detect Biological Weapons

DARPA Funding New Portable Biological Weapons Diagnostics Device

Today’s battlefield can be a very unpredictable place, with threats coming from every direction, including from the air and from underground. Recent conflicts in...

New Software to Prevent Biological Attacks

US Federal research facilities rely on internet-connected devices to automate many basic building functions like ventilation, heating and security, as well as more hazardous...

Plant-Based Sensors to Collect Intelligence

The US Department of Defense evaluates that the military’s traditional intelligence sensors are not always optimal for the tasks that have become more and...

Technologies to Uncover Emerging Biothreats Sought

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has recently launched the Hidden Signals Challenge, a $300,000 prize competition seeking...

First-of-Its-Kind Wearable Chemical Sensor

Wearable electronics will be a $34 billion industry by 2020, according to analyst firm CCS Insight. Wearable sensors are capable of tracking processes in...
security threats

Biological Solutions to Security Threats

Synthetic biology could offer solutions to security threats. A new effort is aimed at creating organic capabilities and infrastructure for the use of synthetic...

Chemical Terror Attack During Tokyo Sports Events Not Ruled Out

Tokyo Police conducted an anti-terror drill at a sports arena in central Tokyo based on a scenario of terrorists launching a chemical attack during...
biological malware

New Hacking Method Discovered – Biological Malware

In what appears to be the first successful hack of a software program using DNA, researchers explained that the biological malware they inserted into...
chemical weapons

Creative Anti-Chemical Weapon in Development

The Syrian civil war has brought chemical weapons back to the center stage in terms of international arsenals and defense methods. The U.S. military...
unmanned tank

Unmanned Tank to Operate in Areas with Nuclear Radiation

Unmanned vehicles can be a life-saving solution for operations in areas attacked by unconventional weapons.  The Indian Defense Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) has...

DARPA Uses Biology for Defense Purposes

Although the U.S. military has already deployed the power of biology and nature before, e.g. the Navy trains dolphins to detect underwater mines, the...
cross-border threat screening

Cross-Border Biological Threat Screening – a Priority

  The US has been promoting cross-border threat screening for biological agents. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) announced $35...

New Player in The Sensor Tech Revolution

The American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics), a public-private partnership, recently announced a new Defense Department project. The AIM Photonics initiative will...

Next Global Security Threat – Bioterrorism

The future of international security will be fought on the biological front. Rapid advances in genetic engineering have opened the door for small terrorist...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...