Bio Hazard. image by pixabay

Critical Infrastructures Are Vulnerable to a Major Threat

Following several biohazard epidemics, the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2001 anthrax attacks in the US, a critical infrastructure biodefense program will be established at...
AI. image by pixabay

Can We Control AI? – Experts Discuss The Dangers Ahead

A group of researchers and over 500 experts, including Elon Musk, Stephen Hawking, Steve Wozniak, and Noam Chomsky, wrote an open letter in support...
image by pixabay

Goverments Discuss Bioterrorism – “Too Risky To Ignore”

Pressure has ramped up globally for better biosafety and security over the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its impact could inspire “bad actors” to...
Drone. image by pixabay

New Drone Can Sense Threatening Gases

A drone-based micro-sensor technology will identify explosives from the air. Professor Otto Gregory of the College of Engineering at the University of Rhode Island...

New York City Study Sheds Light Over Biological Attack Response Strategy

Chemical and biological materials pose a threat to urban environments, whether spread maliciously or accidentally. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and...
airport illust photo Pixabay

DHS’ Future Research Topics

The US Department of Homeland Security has exposed the areas of interest it plans to advance next year with small business partners. A request...

Visualizing Chemical Threats – New Capability

Tools that see and sense harmful Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) substances are important for alerting military troops before anyone is hurt. The...
hazardous materials

Revolutionary Tech to Help Deal with Hazardous Materials

The cumbersome protective equipment used by troops and first responders dealing with hazardous materials often hinders the rapid accomplishment of missions. A new development...
covid protecton equipment

From Security R&D to Counter COVID-19 Innovation

Shifting from the development of protection against hazardous materials to improving the equipment of COVID-19 teams. Wearing COVID-19 personal protective equipment is cumbersome. A...

Arena Requiring Rapid Response Left Unprepared

"BioWatch’s limited footprint puts the Nation at a disadvantage to timely identify and respond to potential biological attacks," warns a recent report by the...

DARPA – Advanced Biothreat Sensors Under Development

The ability to rapidly detect biothreats often relies on expertise and equipment that’s difficult to transport and takes time to carry out. A new...
cyber, photo illus. by pixabay

Israeli Researchers Discovered Cyber-Biological Vulnerability

Israeli researchers have discovered a cyber-biological attack that could trick biologists into generating dangerous toxins in their labs.  It is currently believed that a criminal...

Wearable Tech Enabling Immediate Identification of Hazardous Materials

A new solution will save first responders valuable time. Public safety professionals are often the first ones on the scene of an emergency where...

Unique “Second Skin” Developed for First Responders

The safety of soldiers and first responders’ personnel vis a vis chemical and biological threats relies on protective equipment. However, there are many challenges,...

Quantum Technology to Revolutionize Hazardous Materials Detection

Quantum science and engineering will revolutionize national security. Research into quantum techniques to more quickly detect explosives and exotic types of quantum camouflage have...

Coronavirus: Recruiting Startup Innovation. IHLS Looking for New Technologies to...

The State of Israel is making all the efforts to block the spread of the coronavirus. Now, iHLS is addressing the technology and startup...

US Military Invests in Solution to Burning Problem

The US Defense Department is helping to fund a new study to determine whether an under-the-skin biosensor can help detect flu-like infections even before...

What is Military Role in Coping with Coronavirus?

Concerns have been rising regarding the spread of the Coronavirus outside the boundaries of China, and the World Health Organization has already defined the...
military technologies

Top 10 Military Technological Developments of 2019

Groundbreaking military technologies were developed during 2019, from new power resources to human-machine teaming. Here are the top 10 of the leading ones developed...

Leaving Behind Cumbersome Protection Equipment

Current chemical and biological threat environment consists of “broadly acting, highly pathogenic, and sometimes immediately lethal threats”. According to US DARPA, “despite substantial financial...
biotech sensors

Biological Sensors to Increase Warrior Survivability

Increasing soldier’s survivability is a major concern for armed forces. The US Defense Department has been making progress on genetically engineered microorganisms that can...
chemical threat

New Program Detects Chemical Threats

  The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is now testing new chemical sensors that can assist easily detecting nuclear, biological, chemical, radioactive, and explosive...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...