With the number of malware attacks rising sharply in 2013, and an estimated 15 million mobile devices worldwide infected at any one time, the...

By the end of 2014, the North America & Latin America markets for Object Recognition, Video Analytics, Intelligent Video Surveillance & ISR products and...

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly report (2 December 2014): Chinese military officials have deployed a highly accurate laser defense system Private industry experts...

IAI was among the presenters at the Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is offering its new,...

VITEC - among the participants at the Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo - earlier today, November 26 2014 In the framework of modern combat,...

Israel's universities and institutes have teams developing various robots which will be capable of travelling across tunnels, overcome barriers and map their surroundings. The last...

The IDF is the first army in the world to operationally deploy robots to secure the border, gather tactical intelligence, clear roads, and to...

Israeli Police bomb disposal division showcased its robotic equipment without needing any environmental simulation. The rain provided the real setting to the display, as...

Western Rishon LeZion, Israel's largest Unmanned Systems' Event – complete with airshow, ground autonomous systems display, exhibition of 40 presenters and a professional convention The...

iHLS Israel Homeland Security In this weekly report (25 November 2014): The AUS&R 2014 Conference and Exhibition will be held tomorrow, Wednesday, November 26, under any...

It starts the moment you wake up and turn off your alarm: Your smartphone records and sends to the cloud each interaction you make,...

Sagem has successfully demonstrated the ability of its Patroller unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) to operate in civilian, non-segregated airspace. Conducted near Toulouse, France, the test...

Lockheed Martin is among the participants at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 US Army Central Intelligence is examining a...

The Pentagon has invested millions of dollars to make the size, weight and power of wearable technology and equipment smaller and easier for troops...

The growing use of unmanned air systems (UAS) by armies and terror groups has increased the demand for systems that can perform early warning. Experts...

BLADEWORX is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 The disturbances and riots which broke out...

Shoulder launched missiles in the hands of extremist terrorist groups pose a threat to both civil and military aviation. This threat is further underscored...

The Pentagon’s Joint IED Defeat Organization (JIEDDO) is preparing to deploy members to Iraq where 145 roadside bomb attacks carried out by Islamic State militants killed...

BlueBird is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Natural disasters, e.g. a flood, an earthquake,...

Red Waves Systems is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Long pipe infrastructure, which could...

SDI is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Until not so long ago, we have...

CONTROP is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Operational demands from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)...
