Wednesday, November 26 is the day: AUS&R 2014

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Western Rishon LeZion, Israel’s largest Unmanned Systems’ Event – complete with airshow, ground autonomous systems display, exhibition of 40 presenters and a professional convention

The i-HLS aerial and ground unmanned systems’ event, the largest and the most unique of its kind in Israel and worldwide, is about to begin at Western Rishon LeZion.

The event has attracted 3,000 guests, civilians and army chiefs, 40 presenters from Israel’s leading defense industries, and top lecturers from the defense establishment, the IDF and leading universities.

The highlight of the day, weather permitting, is the airshow and ground display of autonomous ground systems. From IAI’s large Panther UAV, weighing 65kg, to INNOCOM’s Spider, a micro-UAV, weighing as little as 2.5kg. Another expected star is the RT aerostat, as well as AMSTAF, an autonomous robotic vehicle already deployed on patrols along the border between South and North Korea. Also to be unveiled for the first time today: an assortment of autonomous robotic devices used by Israeli Police to handle improvised explosive charges.

Unmanned systems conference 2014 – Israel

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The series of lectures will feature officials from defense industries, Senior Israeli Air Force squadron chief and the commander of IDF Artillery Corps’ “Sky Rider” unit, as well as academic lecturers. Israeli universities have been keenly researching this field, and special labs across Israel are busy with both theoretical and practical studies of UAVs and their numerous applications.

The second event to date began yesterday with a cocktail reception at the Agam Museum at Rishon LeZion. Mayor Dov Tzur toasted the event, highlighting the city’s stature as the venue for every ‘historic first’ in Israel, from Hebrew being spoken, to Israel’s national anthem first played to the Unmanned Systems’ Event.

One of i-HLS owners Avi Yariv reviewed the two-y.o.-website’s achievements: bilingual (Eng-Heb), 2.5 readers in Israel and worldwide, international cooperation, TV channel and 8 annual conventions.

Eyal Sharabani, IAI’s Director Business Development, Naval and Unmanned Surface Vessels, reviewed the development of the KATANA USV System (unmanned surface vessel). KATANA is a third generation unmanned naval system designed to operated alongside fleets and carry out HLS missions such as port security and coast patrolling. The 12m long KATANA has a maximum speed of 60 knots. The autonomous vessel which can operate both autonomously or be operated manually, manned and unmanned, has two engines and a dedicated electro-optic payload, including a target acquisition radar, cameras and PA and lighting systems.