

bluetooth chip

Wireless access points can come in many forms, such as a router or an internet of things device. If a hacker gains access to...
cyber security

Cyber Security has become a major concern for any large organization or authority operating complex systems. Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, developer and manufacturer of leading...

The recent wave of ransomware attacks and preceding waves of cyber breaches could make it appear as though cyber criminals want their pay-off immediately....
5g network

5G wireless network deployments at major world events such as the 2018 Winter Games in PyeongChang have shown the great potential of a 5G-driven...
video analytics

Video analytics technology, the advanced security camera based algorithm analysis, has been undergoing a major revolution in recent years. Israel is at the forefront...

A scary yet realistic scenario in the digital age could involve the following: attackers, sponsored by a rogue organization or radical state, gain access...

Author: Aryeh Danon, Data Security Department Manager at Abnet Communications, distributing Sophos solutions in Israel. Hackers have discovered a new way to take advantage...

U.S. special operators and other troops have been using advanced war-fighting applications for hand-held devices that contain software weaknesses that render them vulnerable to...
electronic warfare

A current gap in electronic warfare capabilities in terms of equipment and training in the US Army has driven the testing of new technologies....

Manual authentication in airports means that passengers need to present different forms of ID such as boarding cards, booking reference numbers as well as...

Have you been developing a ground-breaking technology in the fields of unmanned systems, counter drones, terror tunnel detection, border security, etc.? We invite you to...
cyber attack

All US weapons that the Department of Defense tested between 2012 and 2017 have “mission critical” cyber vulnerabilities, claims a new report from the...

Securing our routers and ensuring they are safe and protected is sometimes neglected by many. It is essential to check your router settings and...

Unmanned systems decrease the risk to soldiers and security teams by keeping them at a remote and secure site while streaming data for full...

Cybersecurity is an ongoing concern for many, especially with the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies. The importance of securing IoT is increasingly...
airport security

The protection of passengers, staff and aircraft in the airport and its vicinities from crime, terror and other threats has always been on high...

A new app has been recently launched by Google, aimed at protecting users from state-sponsored censorship and limitations on freedom of information. The app,...

A new Israel-India strategic partnership has been forged in the cybersecurity sphere. Tech Mahindra, and ELTA Systems, a group and subsidiary of Israel Aerospace...
biometric databases

Databases can encompass huge amounts of important data, yet if they are not connected with other related databases, their effectiveness might not be optimal....

Facebook has recently been in the spotlight for a security breach that compromised over 50 million accounts. This is a concern not only to...
malicious drone illustration

As drones become more prominently used, so does the misuse of these emerging technologies. New drone detection solution could protect military bases, venues, cities...

A new blockchain-based method for enhancing IoT devices security may be under development. IBM has won a patent for the autonomous self-servicing of networked...