

Israel has the Code Red app to alert people of a rocket attack happening in real time. Now, France has released its own app,...

iHLS has moved into its offices in Ra’anana this week. Such a move is certainly cause for celebration, especially when the new offices are...

ISIS, the terror group riding the edge of the wave in technology, has launched a new app, and this one is aimed at children....

Russian photography student, Yegor Tsvetkov, has created a demonstration that shows quite how easy it is for computers to identify individuals - complete strangers,...

An achievement for Israeli technology: Tiger by Lynx TFG, which allows any mobile device to stream video in real-time to a personal control center,...

I-HLS is currently building a new and unique accelerator for Defense and Homeland Security. The accelerator is meant for technological projects after a feasibility...

The Internet of Things (IoT) has already made tremendous inroads to ubiquity, and the trend is accelerating. There will be more than 50 billion...

How cool is it when you can turn on your coffee machine using a smartphone app when you’re still nodding off in bed? Or...

About two years ago, in 2014, Amir Elichai was walking along the beach when he was mugged by a  group of people. Amir immediately...

GPS will be turning 40 in a couple years, and in the decades since its inception the technology has transformed our lives. Many users...

How did you like your last visit to the DMV, the bank or the HMO? What if you didn’t have to wait so long...

Soon, you should be able to ditch your cumbersome mobile passwords, instead opting to use swiping gestures or doodling to log into your smartphone,...

CBS (Connecting Business & Startup) will host, for the very first time in Israel, the global pioneering community, Global Pioneers, and will offer dozens...

The Seismological Laboratory at the University of California Berkeley has released a new app: MyShake. The app isn’t meant for at-home Zumba hopefuls, but...

In a surprising plot twist in the ongoing legal saga of the San Bernardino shooter’s iPhone case, the local District Attorney Michael Ramos is...

One of the best things about the meteoric growth of alternative media publications are the number of memes, gifs, and cute animal videos that...

When we want to volunteer, we go to the internet, usually Google, decide which place is the most relevant to us, character and location...

We all know that moment when we leave the house and suddenly, minutes or hours too late, remember that one thing we forgot to...

Personal information theft is one of the greatest risk factors for users online. Malicious websites that install malware designed to steal banking credentials, phishing...

Virtual and augmented reality look like they’re about to make a mark on the world. The big companies of the tech world certainly seem...

Talend, the global leader in big data integration software, reported record company revenues in Q3 fueled by the tremendous growth of its Big Data...

Many companies are faced with somewhat of a challenge in this technological age: Too much information. Having a lot of data about sales, clients,...