Public Health

Public Health

smart city

Smart city development has progressed over the past few years, with most of the conversation surrounding smart city planning has so far focused on...

By Arie Egozi It is hard to understand how a state like Israel, maintaining intense security measures in its airports and ports is unable to...
Police UAS

Law enforcement agencies across the US are adopting unmanned aerial systems (UAS) for operations ranging from search and rescue to traffic accident reconstruction and...

Paramedics in Canada can now see the bigger picture, as Federal authorities in the country has granted a county in the Ontario Province a...

US Federal research facilities rely on internet-connected devices to automate many basic building functions like ventilation, heating and security, as well as more hazardous...
facial recognition

With the skies becoming ever more congested, pilots and air traffic controllers have to juggle a number of tasks and mental pressure on the...
drone delivery

Drone delivery has been expanding to first response in the cardiac emergency setting. Every minute literally counts in increasing the odds of survival for...

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) has recently launched the Hidden Signals Challenge, a $300,000 prize competition seeking...
first responders

A first-of-its-kind treatment for the life-threatening effects of cyanide poisoning will be developed soon. The treatment is needed because cyanide could be used as...

Public health has become an important consideration when talking about airports, including security checks. How clean are airport security trays? Everything goes in those...
wireless sensor

When we think about military injuries, we think of injuries having to do with guns and bombs, but studies have shown non-combat musculoskeletal injuries...
drone deliveries

Drones have been carrying out medical deliveries such as blood samples and vaccines successfully to remote sites in the developing world for some time....
mobile communication

The iHLS Security Accelerator is home to many innovative and successful startups. ListenApp is one of the first startups that's participated in the accelerator...
augmented reality

Most of us have heard stories, if we haven't witnessed them firsthand, of close family relatives having some sort of seizure or being severely...
warfighters performance

The U.S. military has a great interest in the comprehensive measurement and tracking of metabolism, both for optimizing warfighters performance under demanding physical conditions...

When saving people’s life, every second is important and might be critical. Magen David Adom (MD), Israel’s national rescue organization, has recently inaugurated a...

The future of international security will be fought on the biological front. Rapid advances in genetic engineering have opened the door for small terrorist...
terrorist attack

Following the Christmas market attack in Berlin, the German government issued a paper stating the country is at “high risk” of terrorist attacks carried...
Photo illus. Vigilant Guard 2015, South Carolina

Two new disaster drones delivered medical packages to victims and rescue personnel in a simulated mass casualty event recently at John Bell Airport in...

Finding treatment for victims of a chemical weapons attack seems as one of the priorities of the US National Institute of Health (NIH). The...

A UK startup wants to turn digital video cameras into monitors for use in prisons, hospitals, and assisted-living homes. Oxehealth is one of five finalists...

The Internet of Things (IoT) merges software and hardware with network connectivity, for the benefit of creating smart cities and safe cities. IoT devices -...