Video Analytics

Video Analytics

airbus helicopters

Airbus Helicopters has gone a step further in the experimentation of its Project EAGLE (Autonomous Guidance and Landing Extension), with the in-flight validation of...
video analytics

An increasing interest in video analytics was demonstrated in 2017 from commercial industries using the technology for business operations, yet the security industry remains...
כטב"ם הרון

A new command and control (C2) system which integrates video feeds from the Heron 1 Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) into an augmented reality display...
face recognition

Moscow has been bringing CCTV (Closed Circuit TV) security to the next level, through a partnership that brings artificial intelligence to bear in ways...
iot conference

Constantly updating systems capable of confronting the changing threats should be developed, this is one of the recommendations regarding IoT cyber threats, according to...

During a special meeting at its new offices in Kiryat Atidim, Tel Aviv on November 15th, iHLS presented to its Advisory Board its vision,...
smart command center

Singapore's law enforcers have teamed up with Japanese technology giant NEC to form a concept Smart Command Center, in an attempt to fight crime...

Some people consider IoT (the Internet of Things) as the next industrial revolution. The connected devices networks present in all aspects of life and...
video analytics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing the video analytics field. One of the pioneers in the use of AI and deep learning technologies for...
facial recognition

Facial recognition technologies will enhance police officers capabilities. Digital Barriers, a UK-headquartered company, has struck an agreement in which it will provide live facial...
law enforcers

Law enforcers often need real-time data while they patrol the streets in the police vehicle. A new dashcam designed to use artificial intelligence to...
video analytics conference

As every year, the fifth Video Analytics Conference and Exhibition organized by iHLS have gathered the leading experts, developers, entrepreneurs and manufacturers from the...

The video field is currently going through an accelerated revolution. All the information is web-based and accessed by users through smart devices. The amount...
police software

Current police dash cam systems typically only record video or ship the video back to the cloud for analysis. An intelligent in-car video system...
video analytics

Coping with the The growing risks in the civilian and military fields in Israel and abroad, alongside the widening scope of the applications offered...
video surveillance

Intrusion detection is the most critical step in securing border protection of any kind. An advanced thermal radar utilizes a rotating FLIR Tau2 thermal...
video analytics

The new technology revolution is here. Video analytics is expected to be the next big opportunity for installers, system integrators and others, to win...
video analytics

Video analytics can be used for various purposes - motion detection for security, facial recognition & license plate reading, people counting for retail stores...
video analytics conference

The global video analytics system market accounted for $2.23 billion in 2016 is expected to grow at a CAGR of 32.9% until 2024, according...
video analytics

An Artificial Intelligence technology that is the world's first to show an awareness of its environment and of the actions occurring within it has...
video analytics

A new service is designed to help enterprises derive real-time value through advanced analytics of existing or new video surveillance, allowing customers to leverage...

In line with its strategy of innovation for the future of vertical flight, Airbus Helicopters is developing an experimental on board image processing management...