DHS Tests Find Security Failures at US Airports

An internal investigation of the Transportation Security Administration revealed security failures at dozens of the nation’s busiest airports, where undercover investigators were able to...

“Movie-Style” Surveillance and Operations vehicles

You are standing by a white, shiny, family car. This car looks just like the car next door. You are going past a new SUV,...

NSA will Track Your Smartphone Finger Strokes

Smartphone technology built by Lockheed Martin promises to verify a user's identity based on the swiftness and shape of the individual’s finger strokes on...

Homeland Security seeking off-the-shelf applications to manage biometric data

The Department of Homeland Security’ Office of Biometric Identity Management is currently looking for off-the-shelf applications that can more effectively store, match and analyze...

Improved security for White House complex

The United States Secret Service (USSS) and National Park Service (NPS) have begun implementing a series of new, temporary security enhancements and aesthetic improvements...

Experts from Israel and abroad participate in the Perimeter & off...

Top security experts from Israel and foreign countries are gathered in Herzelia today to get updates on the recent technologies that serve perimeter and...

privacy concerns VS airport security

Researchers in Northeastern University, funded by DHS’s Office of Science and Technology, are developing surveillance technologies better to help airport security officials scan passengers...

Cloud based security systems – the Israeli innovation

In recent years, cloud based security systems have become the last word in security. It is hardly surprising that Israel is home to numerous...

The device that will protect your vehicle from “Sticky bombs”

By: Eyal Avidov   So called ’Sticky bombs’ are becoming a global threat and are commonly used by terror groups, local mafia and other para-military organizations....

How drones are helping the Nepal earthquake relief effort

Drones are proving a crucial high-tech tool for aid workers in the aftermath of the devastating Nepal earthquake. With the death toll from Saturday’s...

Fluid Threats Indeed?

It's been eight years since police foiled a terrorist plot to detonate liquid explosives onboard airplanes headed from the United Kingdom to the United...

iHLS TV – Special Video Report : Airport perimeter security

It is amazing to learn that perimeter security of U.S airport is so not efficient. Several hundred times over the last decade, intruders have hopped...

Recurring attempts to jump over WH fence

A person carrying a suspicious package climbed the White House fence on Sunday night. He was later arrested by officials. No details regarding this...

Video Analytics in the Cyber Age

Figures released by the UN seem to speak for themselves: by 2030, over 60% of global population will reside in urban centers. This development...

INTERPOL 2015 – Israeli innovation, unique solutions and operational experience

  Gil Reider, Director of Life Science, Aerospace Defense & HLS Department in the Israel Export and International Cooperation Institute: "The Israel Export and International Cooperation...

“Safe City” Mexico City

The most advanced security system in the world The Thales group is working on expanding the world's most advanced urban security system, referred to as...

South Africa refuses to give up Cache of weapon-grade Uranium

According to various reports, back in 1990, the South African government at the time extracted the country's inventory of highly enriched uranium from its...

The danger of Cyber attack on civil aviation is sky high

The aviation industry is slow in responding to the threat posed by cyber criminality. This, whether it is posed by criminals, terrorists, nation states,...

Britain’s nuclear reactors vulnerable to terrorist drone attacks

This danger is imminent. Britain’s aging nuclear power plants are vulnerable to terrorist attacks by unmanned drones that could kill thousands of people. This...

The Little intruder catchers

They are small and well hidden and they can detect an invasion. You can find them along the borders of more than 30 countries,...

First responders’ technology prize to be awarded by DHS

U.S DHS launches $25K prize for innovative ways to track first responders indoors during incidents. The Homeland Security Department's research and development arm announced it...

Color-changing film detects chemical weapons

A new way of detecting chemical weapons: thin-film materials change color in response to chemical warfare agents. In today’s world, in which the threat of...


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Enhancing Thermal Imaging for Military and Medical Use

University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering Jiming Bao developed a new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light that is...