

In the event of a catastrophic cyber attack on civilian infrastructure, the US military’s Cyber Command is one of the first and major lines...

First responders face many challenges in their line of work, and the quicker they need to get the job done the higher the risks...

By Arie Egozi As long as these were isolated and relatively rare terrorism attacks, the global war on terrorism could still use the same old...

India today successfully test-fired a new surface-to-air missile developed jointly with Israel, from a defence base off Odisha coast. The medium range missile, which will...

It is no secret that the United States military has over the last decades kept a steady and significant technological advantage over its adversaries...

Ukraine, the war-torn east European country, has not yet gained approval to purchase lethal arms from the US. Until then, the Ukrainian military is...

Russia's anti-terror units have received the most compact multi-shot grenade launcher in the world. This grenade launcher, called The Bur, is just 74.2 centimeters...

Biometric passenger identification could soon find its way to US airports. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is seeking contractors for a $7.2bn “biometric...

There are apps for everything. Flashlights, sharing photos, talking with your friends – if you can think of it, there’s probably already an app...

The US Air Force wants a new plane to replace the trusty A-10 Warthog in the fight against ISIS. Air Force generals are toying...

On 23 June, 2016 the British public voted to leave the European Union. This process will take years to complete and is shrouded in...

ISIS is well-known for its extensive use of technology and social media in the organisation’s efforts to fill its ranks. But have you ever...

Elbit Systems completed recently a trial test torpedo launch from its Seagull multi-mission, autonomous Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) system. The trial, performed out of...

The global “summit committee” for air & missile defense which took place in Rishon Letzion today has concluded. Hundreds of participants came to take...

The US Department of Homeland security has issued a warning the thousands of industrial energy systems can be remotely hacked. These internet-connected systems rely...

Details have emerged that a US immigration official blocked Homeland Security agents from apprehending the “gun supplier” of the San Bernardino shooter the day...

“Lone wolf” terrorist attacks are becoming the new normal. These individuals, almost unconnected to larger organisations, are hard to find, monitor, and apprehend on...

The $25 billion aircraft deal that Boeing recently struck with Iran could be jeopardized by Tehran’s continued support of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Boeing’s jets...

The United States is looking to reduce its man presence in Afghanistan, and instead “the Air Force aims to double the number of drone...

Not to be left behind, NATO has now designated the cyber domain as a new frontline. Cyber attacks, the defence organisation contends, are now...

Following the tragic terrorist attack on the Pulse gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida on 12 June, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has...

The US Department of Homeland Security has released a new report that suggests we should stop defining the fight against global terror as “us...
