law enforcement teams

Artificial intelligence technology will help law enforcement teams in dealing with data. The Safariland Group, global provider of safety and survivability products and the...
border patrol

The US Homeland Security Department has been reluctant to send helicopters on nighttime missions to aid the Border Patrol, leaving agents to face drug...
public transportation

Cisco has created a video analytics tool that, according to iothub.com, promises to help public transportation operators understand the nature of their passengers and...
first responders

A nationwide broadband network for public safety communication between first responders will be built across the USA. Communications giant, AT&T, has been hired by...

One way today's enterprise organizations, cities, and campuses tackle the pressures of being prepared at any moment is by implementing solutions that utilize real-time...
heavy payload

A new UAV with the ability of up to two hours of continuous flying time and capable of carrying a payload of up to...
body camera

A new program will equip every police officer in the USA with a body camera. TASER International has launched the new program that will...

A new approach regarding the use of sensors for intercepting intruders has been suggested. The method, advocated by Applied Research Associates (ARA), involves strategic...
cross-border threat screening

  The US has been promoting cross-border threat screening for biological agents. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) announced $35...

iHLS wishes the readers of our website, the customers, the followers at the social media, around the world and in Israel: Happy Passover! Wishing you...

A new security solution for public safety in crowded spaces and airports presents a rapid screening rate. Digital Barriers, a company specializing in provision...
video content

Innovative technologies in the intriguing video analytics field have been constantly improving the ability to understand and identify video content for various applications, in...
patrol aircraft

The Indian Navy is planning to de-induct TU142M Long Range Maritime Patrol aircraft after its 29 years of service. According to a recent Indian...

The American Institute for Manufacturing Integrated Photonics (AIM Photonics), a public-private partnership, recently announced a new Defense Department project. The AIM Photonics initiative will...
airport security

The British defense agencies have been recently focusing on the improvement of airport security. Smiths Detection, a global company in the threat detection and...
border searches

A surge in electronic device data searches at US border crossings brought about a lawsuit by a group of First Amendment attorneys against the...
deep learning

A deep learning digital solution project to advance airport checkpoint x-ray system screening capabilities has been announced. Smiths Detection Inc. (SDI) will partner with...
training system

A new training system has been designed to train more efficiently airport screening officers. The Office for Public Safety Research within the Department of...
threat modeling

Augmented reality and virtual reality have the potential to serve as threat modeling tools that could enhance security professionals’ understanding of the threat landscape...
ihls security accelerator

iHLS, the global media leader in security technology, is inviting entrepreneurship in this field to join the third cycle of the world first accelerator at...
security camera

  Security vulnerabilities were found at a popular security product. A security researcher has recently published a vulnerability and proof-of-concept exploits in Google's Internet of...

The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued requests for proposals for prototypes for a wall along the Mexican border. According to fortune.com,...
