Emergency Medical Services

Emergency Medical Services

The broad move to distance learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought about cybersecurity challenges. An increase in ransomware attacks has urged the...

Imagine a coronavirus test being dropped at your front door. Many remote communities do not have easy access to testing centers and medical supplies...

Millions of doses of COVID-19 vaccines are transported to healthcare facilities across the world. The numerous steps involved with the distribution process and the...

The events of 2020 have certainly demonstrated the risks of trying to accurately predict upcoming events. However, it can still be insightful to try...

The global Homeland Security and Emergency Management market size is likely to extend from $623.1 billion in 2020 to $846.5 billion by 2025, garnering...

The healthcare industry increasingly relies on IoT networks to securely connect a growing variety of medical devices and equipment. Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)...

Software developers have made demonstrable progress at recognizing masked faces, according to the findings of a new study of face recognition technology created after...

Physical security technologies for public buildings have advanced considerably, moving away from legacy standalone CCTV systems to modern digital video surveillance technologies. However, security...

The widespread operations of a leading, internationally-accredited certification company in Israel reflects the Israeli export all over the world. ITL - Israel Testing Laboratories...
photo illus. first responders by Pixabay

Creativity and innovation fuel the development of new technological solutions. An institutional catalyst is often required to create the right environment and motivate innovation....

The arrival of the long-awaited Covid-19 vaccine is apparently not the end to our worries. Potential supply chain challenges associated with the global distribution...

A test to evaluate how commercial, wearable devices could help prevent community spread of the COVID-19 pandemic has been conducted in the U.S. Military...

Will Israel be able to execute 200,000 tests daily, producing results within seconds? According to Brig. Gen. (res.) Dr. Danny Gold, Head, MAF’AT, Israel...

Have a taste of INNOTECH international conference broadcast on innovation, cyber, and HLS - December 8-9, 2020 Register now

Efforts to trace the exact location of people have not started with the intensive attempts by states to stop the spread of the COVID-9...

The COVID-19 pandemic has been especially challenging for workers in the construction, manufacturing, infrastructure and logistics. A wearable device with social distancing technology launched...

One of the challenges of the return to normal air travel is the identity checks in airports. The US Transportation Security Administration (TSA) is...

The INNOTECH International Live Conference Broadcast for HLS, Cyber, and Innovation on December 8-9 will host the leading experts at the intriguing panel discussion....

Or Shalom, security and cyber expert and adviser Airports around the world have been an attractive target for attack, from the assailants’ point of view....

When decision-makers have timely access to community health information it helps support situational awareness and extends the breadth and depth of understanding community needs....

The first urban beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) medical drone delivery network has been launched in the largest city of the European Union with the potential to...

In 2021, remote working due to COVID-19 will require that organizations better secure their new distributed networks and cloud deployments to keep their applications...
