The Iran Deal Will Help Russia Have A Stealth Air Force

The Iran deal will boost Russia’s arms industry and make it possible for Russia to replace its older aircraft with newer stealth models. Thanks...

Pakistan Shot Down Indian UAV

The Kashmir region is a source of great tension for many years between India and Pakistan. Many incidents have taken place in it along...

Nuke Deal Not To Affect S-300 Missile Sale To Iran

The five year extension of UN arms embargo against Iran will have no effect for Russian plans to sell S-300 surface-to-air (SAM) anti-missile defense...

Israeli Defense System for Aircraft Carrier in India

The Indian Navy has refitted its aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya with Barak-1 air defense systems and Russian made AK-630 close-in weapon system for operational...

Iron Dome Intercepting UAV

The Rafael Iron Dome rocket interceptor has proved its capability to shoot down unmanned air vehicles (UAVs).This fact already creates interest in many countries. This...

David’s Sling for export?

Rockets in the hands of armies and terror groups have become a major problem. They are relatively cheap and very deadly. There are indications that...

Suspicion Of Successful Cyber Attack On Patriot Battery

Many times, when mentioning technological advancements, it is in the context of making tasks easier for man to do and keeping his life safe....

U.S. to defend against russian cruise missiles

The Pentagon is working on setting up a network of defenses to protect American cities from a barrage of Russian cruise missiles. This includes...

Russia’s new aerial defence

The Russian corporation Rostec reveals a new technology to intercept UAVs, missiles or any other guided electronic attack weapon. The system uses a sort...

Successful experiment in laser technology to intercept UAVs

The german MBDA company has developed a laser technology that can, according to the company, intercept a small UAV from a distance of 3km....

Tie-breaker chinese strike vehicle

China has been testing a new strike vehicle that carries nuclear or conventional warhead, reporter for the Washington Free Beacon, Bill Gertz, recently revealed. The...

Paris Air Show presents all the latest technological developments

Preparations are finished for the opening of the International Aviation and Space salon in La Bourget , near Paris. This is an undisputed summit...

A successful experiment with missile defence interceptor

The U.S. Navy and Missile Defense Agency (MDA) have recently conducted a first successful experiment for the Standard Missile-3 Block IIA. The missile has...

The Barak-8 missile – full operational status soon

The Barak-8 missile air defense system is by any standard one of the most advanced in the world. All experts that talked with I-HLS...

Israeli countermeasures for Polish VIP aircraft ?

The polish official VIP aircraft may be equipped with the Israeli developed protection systems against shoulder launched missiles. According to Defense 24, the Polish armament...

A big potential market for Israeli air defense systems

The selection of the U.S. made Patriot missiles system by the Polish army has not closed the lead on this big potential market. The Polish...

New advanced radars

IAI unveiled a unique and highly advanced family of modular Ultrahigh Frequency (UHF) Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) Radars. The new ULTRA family of AESA...

Barak 8 missile – how big is the market ?

The Barak-8 missile is without any doubt one of the best air defense systems in its class, but sometimes even such a system needs...

A new advanced UAV Will Expand China’s Missile Reach

The Chinese regime’s long-range ballistic missiles could soon become more accurate with the help of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) they are currently developing....

Another step for laser weapon

A high-power laser weapon light enough to be carried by tactical aircraft has moved out of the laboratory and onto the testing ground. General...

The Israeli edge in combat proven combined systems

When the international military market gets more complicated the Israeli defense industries have to use everything they have to successfully compete Combined capabilities make it...

Fast Draw – The threat from Lebanon

Hezbollah's open preparations for another round against Israel are extremely worrying. They are not only worrying due to the dozens of rockets the terror...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...