No proof that N. Korea Miniaturized nuclear Warheads

The United States on Wednesday dismissed a claim by North Korea to have developed the ability to miniaturize nuclear warheads, but voiced concern Pyongyang...

Can i buy a nuclear weapon ?

Saudi Arabia intends to buy an "off the shelf" nuclear weapon from Pakistan, according to US officials quoted in The Sunday Times. The report comes...

The “Death Ray” is on the horizon ?

The impressive success of the Rafael "Iron Dome" rocket interceptor, has not caused many people in Israel and other countries , that dream about...

Rafael working on more advanced target missiles.

As the Israeli three tiered rocket / missile defense system is being built the need for more advanced targets grows. Building the three tiered defense...

MTCR – changes will have to be made

Israel will not sign the MTCR agreement in the foreseeable future but may demand some changes. The Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) should be changed...

North Korea Demonstrates Submerged Ballistic Missile Launch

North Korea claims to have successfully launched a ballistic missile from a submarine beneath waters off the coast of its mainland. That missile has...

iHLS TV Interview with Judith Lapid Maoz from IAI on Missile...

Register to iHLS Israel Homeland Security And today, we are interviewing Judith Lapid Maoz, Chief systems engineer, Air Missile Defense, Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI).

Israel just launched an experimental rocket propulsion system

"A few minutes ago, Israel conducted an experiment focusing on a rocket propulsion system. The experiment took place at a military base in the...

Russian S-400 for China: Challenge for Asian Geopolitics

Russia’s business daily Vedomosti reported last November that Moscow was in the process of selling S-400 anti-aircraft missiles to China. The news was confirmed on April 13 when...

Rafael’s Litening 5 targeting pod will become operational next year

The newest version of Rafael's Litening targeting pod will become operational by the end of next year. According to Guy Oren , director of Rafael's...

iHLS TV – Yossi Druker,Rafael VP and the General Manager of...

Interview with Yossi Druker - Executive VP, General Manager Air Superiority Systems Division The Iron Dome system - How does operation Protective Edge in Gaza...

The unexpected bonus of “staring” into Syria

Following the use of Scud ballistic missiles by the Syrian regime enable the Israeli Air Force to learn about these missiles’ capabilities. "We could not...

iHLS TV – Interview with Riki Ellison on Missile Defense

Exclusive Interview with Riki Ellison Chairman and Founder Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance The interview was conducted during IAMD conference in cooperation with IMDA and iHLS...

iHLS TV Weekly Video Report – 14 April 2015

iHLS TV Weekly Video Report : Barak – 8 the main weapon system onboard the Israeli navy’s new ships. 60.7% of all exported unmanned aircraft in...

India prefers a French Fighter Jet

Last week, after negotiations that lasted years, the Indian government had finally decided to purchase the French made fighter jet, Rafale. Experts explain that...

iHLS TV – Margaret Morse , Boeing’s VP for directed energy...

“We have demonstrated the performance of a weapon laser system to destroy unmanned air systems and mortars. The achievements in this field prove, that...

Great interest in the Israeli system against shoulder missiles

The growing number of shoulder launched missiles in the hand of terror groups has its effect The system, designated to protect large jet aircraft against...

Pandora’s Box?

American intelligence experts said a couple of days ago that Russia may, in case of armed struggle, launch the new cruise missiles it has...

iHLS TV Weekly Video Report – April 7 – 2015

  The weekly edition issues are : Hamas claims that Israel has deployed “electronic dragonflies” in Gaza The U.S has blocked any sales of surplus American-made weapon...

Israeli made radars will be maintained in Brazil

South America is becoming a big potential market for Israeli made defense systems and the Israeli manufacturers increase their presence in the region. Elta ,...

No roughly welded steel here…

Palbam Advanced Metal Technologies gives the term “metal parts” a new meaning. If you’ve imagined some roughly welded pieces of steal you are in...

A missile ? a tank round ? both ?

Brazilian delegates showing great interest in a Israeli laser system for helicopters Israel Aaerospace Industries (IAI) is currently conducting demonstrations of its Nimrod SR laser...


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Enhancing Thermal Imaging for Military and Medical Use

University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering Jiming Bao developed a new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light that is...