

Only the very naive will fall for the Iranians' latest stunt: "We are ready for an agreement on our nuclear program." Well, the word...

It is so easy to deceive the world. After the joke that was called "cleansing Syria of chemical weapons" Iran is in line too. The...

The Guinness book of records is on standby - soon the "Biggest  lie ever told to the international community" record will be broken. The odd...

Syria will not get rid of its mass destruction weapons. What started yesterday as a "diplomatic victory " is one of the biggest bluffs...

Let's pretend that things are upside down - the U.S. is the best friend of Syria and Russia is the "good guy." What would have...

It has now become clear. President Obama does not think that the U.S. has to get involved in International conflicts. That may sound logical...
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By Arie Egozi When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk. That quote from a famous 1966 Spaghetti western movie , is the first that...

There is a minister in charge of the home front, the ministry has a director general and there are many employees. They are all...

The words that we heard yesterday from the prime minister, the defense minister and the chief of staff were strong and clear. But we...

By Arie Egozi The US foreign policy has never looked so ineffective. In fact it doesn't even look like a policy at all, just some...

This could be a joke but it isn't. If someone needed any proof that every dollar spent on maintaining the U.N is a waste...

It may be considered a paradox but this is the reality. While countries develop very deadly and unconventional weapons, some of these countries also...

To Yitzhak Aharonovich, Minister of Internal Security   Over the past few weeks, television channels broadcast recordings of citizens calling the police’ 100 hotline and...

In the U.S., in spite of all the deadly and daily incidents, a person can buy a weapon like a sandwich, in Israel, while...

Yesterday’s murder of a Jerusalem lawyer and his daughter proves that guns in the hands of security guards spell danger rather than security. A disgruntled...

The European union again made a decision that is not worth the paper it is printed on. The Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union...

The Iranians are known as an intelligent people but their leadership is so terrified that it insists on saying stupid thing about their military...

We already mentioned the facts that are included in the state comptroller's report that was published today, but even we did not realize how...

If Israelis needed any more proof that the Office of Home Front Defense is a waste of money he got it late last week. A...

Yesterday saw the resignation of the director general of the Home Front Defense Ministry, Gabi Ophir. The resignation is only a symptom of total chaos....

 The new Guinness record for naivety and stupidity can be awarded today to some leaders of western countries that reacted to the election of...

This will end in a very bad way. Time after time criminals are entering army camps and stealing weapons either from armories or the...
