When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk

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By Arie Egozi

When you have to shoot, shoot, don’t talk. That quote from a famous 1966 Spaghetti western movie , is the first that came to mind when listening to the weak words of president Obama yesterday.

The “Sheriff” of the world is frightened , hesitant, and seems lost in a situation that should have been taken care of by the U.S. military force minutes after the militant speech of secretary Kerry. But this did not happen. Nor did it happen after the president’s speech.

The time is to shoot and the U.S. holds a big gun, except that the one holding it is weak and shows all the symptoms of a frightened man.

Timing has an important role in a military action. President Obama knows that but he is too frightened.

On Saturday President Barack Obama said that he will seek authorization from Congress before launching any military action against the Syrian regime for allegedly using chemical weapons in a mass murder that claimed the lives of 1,429 people.

Obama stressed on Saturday that American warships in the Mediterranean Sea still stood poised to strike at any time, despite the move that would place a hold on any imminent military action.


“Over the last several days, we have heard from members of Congress who want their voices to be heard,” Obama said. “I absolutely agree.”

Just minutes after Obama’s statement, the Syrian army recommenced its shelling of rebel-held Damascus suburbs, which had halted for several hours.

In his statement, Obama condemned Assad’s regime, describing the alleged chemical attack as “an assault on human dignity” that “presents a serious danger to our national security.” He had previously characterized the use of chemical weapons as a “red line” Assad should not be permitted to cross.

Obama pledged that any military involvement would be of “limited duration and scope.”

“This would not be an open-ended intervention,” he said. “We would not put boots on the ground.”

Before revealing he would seek approval from Congress, the President made clear that “we are prepared to strike whenever we choose.”

Strikes would be “effective tomorrow or next week or one month from now,” Obama said, adding that he is “prepared to give that order.”

In Israel the disappointment was expected. The way Obama handled that crisis has only one meaning for Israel – if and when Iran crosses the red line drawn by Obama it will find itself alone.

The gun is in a very shaky hand.