The X-47 landed on an aircraft carrier

The Northrop Grumman X-47B, an aircraft designed to prove that unmanned jets could operate from aircraft carriers, completed its primary mission Wednesday when it...

The Dutch navy will use a simulator to get ready for...

On the heels of a delivery to the Royal Netherlands Air Force, Environmental Tectonics Corp. has signed a contract for an additional disaster-management simulation...

The “Netra” to fight terror in India

India's defense research agency (DRDO) has developed an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) specifically for anti-terrorist and counter insurgency operations. The 1.5 kg UAV, called 'Netra',...

A new security concept for airports perimeter protection

Airports are known as potential targets for many terror organizations. As a result huge sums of money are invested in the perimeter defense of...

Cyber Survey: increased awareness of threat – alongside lack of preparedness

The global yearly survey of cyber threats performed by “Cyber Arc”: 80% of senior managers consider cyber attacks as a greater national threat than...

Cockroaches in rescue missions?

North Carolina State University researchers are using video game technology to remotely control cockroaches on autopilot, with a computer steering the cockroach through a...

Northrop Grumman displays MQ-4C Triton maritime surveillance drone in the UK

After avoiding high profile, expensive events such as the Paris Airshow, Northrop Grumman opted to become one of the principal industry sponsors of the 19th annual Waddington...

Nuclear power plants at sea

In three years, Russia will have the world’s first floating nuclear power plant, capable of providing energy and heat to hard-to-get areas as well...

Iron Dome anti-aircraft capabilities

The Iron Dome intercept system has a new job, according to Rafael’s sources. These sources told i-HLS that the Iron Dome, deployed to protect...

Obama’s “Cadillac One” to be replaced

 Not that his current limousine – dubbed "The Beast" or "Cadillac One" – isn't faring well, but it's a 2009 model, which he takes...

Terrorists and Pirates beware!

The U.K. is testing a new simulator while investigating techniques to improve the accuracy of its sailors using machine guns on naval and auxiliary...

New low cost projectile

BAE Systems and United Technologies Corporation have completed a successful guided flight test of the Multi-Service Standard Guided Projectile (MS-SGP) at White Sands Missile...

Indian desire for UAS results in home production

The Israeli producers of unmanned air systems (UAS) are worried, and with good reason. The Indian market for UAS is estimated at $2 billion...

DRS to supply border surveillance radars to Egypt

DRS Radar Systems, was awarded an US$8 million firm-fixed-price, multi-year, foreign military sales contract for the procurement of a border surveillance system for Egypt....

Still on the ground but very impressive – The Taranis UAV

It is named after the Celtic god of thunder, can fly faster than the speed of sound and evades enemy radar with its single-wing...

Wanted – a Smartphone killer switch

U.S. law enforcement officials are demanding the creation of a “kill switch” that would render smartphones inoperable after they are stolen, New York’s top...

Israeli perimeter protection systems – around the world

Magal is currently completing the first phase of a large scale project for the perimeter protection of the main harbor of Mombasa, Kenya from...

Will Israeli companies benefit from the effort to seal the U.S....

After years of effort to reform immigration rules and come up with a workable solution for the millions of undocumented residents in the United...

RPHS – Remote Package Handling System

 Provectus Robotics Solutions' Remote Package Handling System (RPHS) is a robotic platform designed to quickly remove suspect packages from an airport terminal building, thereby...


The PF-9 is a semi-automatic, chambered for the 9mm Luger cartridge. It has been developed from a previous models, the  P-11 and P-3AT. The...

The “Silver Tail” that will protect you

RSA introduced the next generation of its Silver Tail web threat detection solution, with the ability to quickly separate the activities of friend from...

Larson Introduces IR Headlights for Military Vehicles

Larson Electronics is introducing an infrared Light Emitting Diodes (LED) based headlight system for vehicles, designed to allow users to replace or augment their...


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Improving Automatic Software Repair

FIXCHECK is a new approach to improve patch fix analysis that combines static analysis, randomized testing, and large language models, created by IMDEA Software...