small uas

While used mostly by the military, small UAS are now widely available. With increased availability comes increased risk to critical infrastructure or crowded events....
wireless sensor

When we think about military injuries, we think of injuries having to do with guns and bombs, but studies have shown non-combat musculoskeletal injuries...
gray eagle

A version of the Gray Eagle UAS showcased enhanced capabilities in a flight test. The MQ-1C Gray Eagle Extended Range (MQ-1C ER) unmanned aircraft...

The digital currency Bitcoin caught the Pentagon’s eyes as a potential cybersecurity shield. The US military has been open about their interest in Blockchain...
wearable sensor

One of the risks evolving during police operations is that when an officer is injured, the period of time until help arrives might be...
real-time mapping

A new technology will help police officers be at the touch of their cell phones to supply them better response at scenes of terrorism...

The operation of multiple autonomous systems simultaneously on a mission requires advanced control systems. A new system that can be used to take command...
online gaming

A new online gaming platform is now aiming to shape the future of the US Armed Forces. The game allows soldiers to experiment and...

A cell phone that can never run out of battery could mean the difference between life and death for people in emergency situations. A...
cloud computing

When disaster strikes, it’s crucial that first responders have reliable access to a controlled network, allowing them to receive and deliver critical information while...

NATO is requesting outside contractors to pitch concepts on military operations in urban areas, admitting that its forces are unprepared for urban warfare in...
original approach to cyber security

New methods for cyber security have been trying to offer an original approach to cyber security. Cyber behavioral pattern analysis, a state-of-the-art commercial method,...

An unmanned aerial refueling tanker is sought by the US Navy. In its latest draft request for proposals, the Navy pitched four major defense...
cyber crime

The US Homeland Security department has been increasing its fight against cyber crime. Infoblox Inc., the network control company that provides Actionable Network Intelligence,...

In a few months, the U.S Air Force and SOFWERX will pit UAVs against each other in a rumble-style experiment to gather data on...
protect the protectors

First responders are constantly looking to improve, sharpen their senses and abilities and put their hands on the most innovative and useful equipment. Now,...

The world's largest defense importer, India, has announced a new policy inviting foreign defense manufacturers to set up shop as minority partners in India....
3d printers

All sorts of new cyberattacks have been rising in popularity over the last few years. Due to the rise in attacks on 3D printers,...

During an emergency situation in a school or any other public institution, it is imperative to have instant communication with 911, first responders, and...
north korea

By Arie Egozi While it is very clear that the so called "Nuclear Agreement" with Iran is a bad joke, this terror country has not...

The US Navy is known for being widely spread all over the globe, this kind of wide deployment means that there’s a dramatic need...
stop the bleed

Stop the Bleed is a national awareness campaign and a call to action. Initiated by the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Stop the...
