New Mine-Disarming Drones To Be Used In Syria


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New drones were demonstrated by Russia’s International Anti-Mining Center’s sapper units for mine-disarming.

Dmitry Klochko, director of LocMas who told “To neutralize mines, we use small and very small quadcopters. An adapted drone picks up an anti-mine charge and puts it on a detected mine. After a time set by a sapper, an explosion occurs. This method has been already tested in Syria.”

He added that experts of the International Anti-Mining Center operating on Syrian territories lately returned under governmental control are using, among other things, the STUPOR anti-drone portable system. “Sometimes terrorists used drones to drop bombs right on the sappers. These were not fatal accidents, but they led to injuries. So, the military began to apply drone countermeasures”, he said.

Denis Fedutinov, a leading Russian expert in unmanned systems, said drones were earlier used only for searching of explosives. “Good example is products of Austrian Schiebel that initially specialized in mine detection. It produced mine locators and other equipment, and then mastered production of unmanned aerial vehicles”, the expert commented.

Another new sapper technology recently commissioned by the Russian Army’s International Anti-Mining Center was a cooling vest for the OVR-2-02 body armor sets. Wearing such cooling vests, the sappers may work at up to 40°C.