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The COVID-19 pandemic has intensified the multiple challenges states and cities are currently facing. Technology has become more and more important in our daily life. Social distancing has turned all of us into online, the mobile phones becoming location tracking devices, and all the information about us is now held by many organizations not so experienced with collecting and securing data.
In addition, law enforcement agencies and security forces are still preoccupied with routine security challenges. Terror and crime elements have been looking for any vulnerability and gap. It is precisely now that technological solutions are gaining special importance for states, cities, companies, and organizations.
In the unique InnoTech 2020 International Live Conference Broadcast organized by iHLS you will be able to have a close look at the transformation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic with regards to the cyber and HLS realms, learn what are challenges faced by cities and states, and discover how the technological solutions contribute to the fight against the pandemic and current challenges.
The innovative broadcast platform provides an effective business arena and B2B meeting opportunities, offering illuminating professional content by the best experts, fascinating panels in various content zones, a startup competition, and demonstrations of ground-breaking air and ground products.
The event is held in collaboration with Israel Foreign Ministry, which will connect senior officials from global government and defense organizations, including police, security and intelligence agencies, leading figures from Israeli and world defense industries, technology companies, and hundreds of startups.
Thousands of viewers, hundreds of companies will be able to have a close look at the Israeli ecosystem of HLS technologies for civilian, military, and dual-use military-civilian applications.
Avi Yariv, a cyber, intelligence, and HLS expert, is the chairman of the InnoTech Broadcast Steering Committee, and he is joined by Guy Mizrahi, VP Cyber, RayZone Group, one of Israel’s outstanding cyber experts, Brig. Gen. (res.) Sharon Nir, former commander of IDF National School of Communication & Cyber Defense, and Ran Nathanzon, Head of Innovation and Country Branding, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The various fields presented at the broadcast include:
- Smart and safe city, IoT – ground-breaking information and communication technologies enable a network of connected sensors (IoT – cameras, smart light poles, smart electricity grid, etc.) to manage security, traffic, energy, pollution rates, infrastructure performance, etc. at the urban setting. Some of the major challenges are cybersecurity for smart cities, 5G connectivity, advances in drone delivery methods as well as advanced navigation methods.
- Cyber – Israel is a world leader in the development of cutting-edge cyber technologies. The event will focus on defensive cyber technologies for securing critical infrastructures (e.g. telecom, energy, supply chains, etc.); cyber intelligence – including big data analysis, data interception, and more; and will reflect innovation in quantum, blockchain, the emerging field of cybersecurity in space, and more.
- Emergency response and preparedness – the most advanced technologies enable immediate response in case of emergency, natural disaster, or threat to public safety. For first responders – law enforcement, search and rescue teams, firefighters, medical services – cutting-edge technologies provide resilient emergency communication networks, concealed weapons and explosives detection systems, wearable technologies (e.g. body cameras), etc. Advances in 5G next-generation communications, video analytics, mapping and navigation, command-and-control supply valuable, real-time situational awareness. Navigation and geospatial technologies provide the capability to operate even when GPS is not available.
- Critical infrastructures – offshore, perimeter and border security – cutting-edge, proven technologies are the basis for systems to secure borders, critical installations (such as oil and gas), and national assets from unauthorized physical intrusions. They contribute to the security of aviation and other mass transportation means. The latest technologies in connected sensors (cameras, radars) for multi-layered video detection, intrusion detection, and more will all be showcased at the expo.
- Video analytics – advanced video systems with artificial intelligence software capabilities are providing smart, automated and remote surveillance that enables immediate response and rapid decision making. New deep learning and computerized imaging methods form some of the most advanced technologies.
- Data and AI – advanced data science methods such as big data, data integration, and more help finding out the hidden insights or patterns from raw data (huge amounts of drone surveillance data, etc.). Artificial intelligence, especially machine learning, help automate these outputs and produce insights and intelligence to decision-makers. Some of the latest developments include data fusion technologies that integrate the multiple data sources into a unified dashboard visual, secured cloud platforms, and more.
- Computing and communications infrastructures – next-generation platforms such as 5G communication networks hold the key to a vast array of applications, providing unprecedented connectivity, bandwidth and information security. Secure cloud platforms enable the safe accumulation and accessibility of huge data amounts. Emerging quantum technology offers precision measuring methods, and advanced navigation, promising to bring about revolutionary rapid computing.
- Anti-terror – advanced technologies have been revolutionizing the capabilities of anti-terror efforts, supplying special operations and other units futuristic methods for the detection, tracking, identification, and interception of terrorists. Technologies such as biometric identification according to face, iris, and even gait, help identify suspects, in coordination with AI-based databases. The expo will showcase Innovative training and simulation technologies, some based on AR, VR, MR, boost the preparedness of counter-terror teams.
- CBRN – advanced technologies for chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear defense provide first responders with invaluable platforms for the detection and identification of hazardous materials in advance or in real-time, enabling an immediate response. The latest platforms include advanced sensors mounted on drones and mobile ground stations, sensitive and compact handheld devices, etc.