New Policy to Secure 5G Technology

5g communications

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5G wireless technology is anticipated to unleash unprecedented levels of connectivity between millions of new internet of things devices. It is expected to provide consumers, businesses, and governments with remarkably fast network connections that will enable tens of billions of new devices to harness the power of the Internet. This advancement, however, also ushers new risks and vulnerabilities. 

The evolving 5G supply chain may be under risk by the use of products from foreign companies, such as Huawei, the US warns. “Malicious actors are already seeking to exploit 5G technology,” Trump wrote in the introduction to the new national strategy to secure US 5G. “This is a target-rich environment for those with nefarious motives due to the number and types of devices it will connect and the large volume of data that those devices will transmit.”

The new strategy released by the White House is designed to formally frame how the nation will safeguard fifth-generation wireless infrastructure at home and abroad. 

Its release marks President Trump’s initial move to meet the requirements laid out in the Secure 5G and Beyond Act. The new law directs the president to produce a strategy “to ensure security of next generation wireless communications systems and infrastructure,” within 180 days of its enactment.

According to, the quietly-launched document outlines four distinct lines of effort that the bill called for it to include: 

  • Facilitate the domestic rollout of 5G; 
  • Assess the risks and identify the core security principles of 5G infrastructure; 
  • Assess the risks to United States economic and national security during development and deployment of 5G infrastructure worldwide, 
  • Promote responsible global development and deployment of 5G. 

The strategy said the administration would leverage a range of activities already laid out in an executive order in May to “address the risk of high-risk vendors in the 5G infrastructure.” Further, the strategy said the government will work with industry partners to “identify, develop, and apply core security principles—best practices in cybersecurity, supply chain risk management, and public safety—to United States 5G infrastructure.” 

At the same time, government leaders will work with international organizations to promote the development of standards for adoption and new security principles to help safeguard future rollouts.