

face recognition

Moscow has been bringing CCTV (Closed Circuit TV) security to the next level, through a partnership that brings artificial intelligence to bear in ways...

Missions such as clearing buildings, detecting explosive charges etc. in a hostile environment often endanger the lives of soldiers and law enforcement officers. A...

As a fast-growing market thriving with innovative technologies, unmanned aerial systems have received various names. Manufacturers, public organizations, operator, and associations are all referring...
emotion scanning

The ability to tell us live in real time what a certain person is feeling and give insight into certain personality traits which can...
locating missile sites

US researchers have trained deep learning algorithms to identify Chinese surface-to-air missile sites - hundreds of times faster than their human counterparts. The algorithms proved...

Unlike airplanes and helicopters, smart surveillance balloons don’t need human operators in the sky. And in contrast to drones, they can spend long periods...
iot cameras

Cybersecurity professionals have warned for years that IoT presents potential safety and privacy concerns for consumers. Now there are widening concerns regarding the risk...
autonomous transportation

An integration program in the autonomous transportation field was recently announced. NEXT Future Transportation, a modular vehicle solutions provider and Digital Barriers, which expertises...
smart command center

Singapore's law enforcers have teamed up with Japanese technology giant NEC to form a concept Smart Command Center, in an attempt to fight crime...

Some people consider IoT (the Internet of Things) as the next industrial revolution. The connected devices networks present in all aspects of life and...
helicopter market

The civilian helicopter market has been on the rise. Much of the growth is powered by technology that is making helicopters safer, more comfortable...
iot technologies

The Internet of Things (IoT) has become widespread in all sectors, slowly changing industries ranging from manufacturing to agriculture and revolutionizing cities. The Brookings...
robotic ordnance disposal

A leading robotic defense contractor for wireless video transmission modules for use in military remote ordnance disposal applications awarded a $343,000 order to xG...
video analytics

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing the video analytics field. One of the pioneers in the use of AI and deep learning technologies for...
facial recognition

Facial recognition technologies will enhance police officers capabilities. Digital Barriers, a UK-headquartered company, has struck an agreement in which it will provide live facial...
situational awareness

The US army has been testing a new Multi-Functional Video Display (MVD) for the Medium Mine Protected Vehicle (MMPV) Type II. The new monitors...
law enforcers

Law enforcers often need real-time data while they patrol the streets in the police vehicle. A new dashcam designed to use artificial intelligence to...

The U.S. Navy is working with Northrop Grumman to run tests and maintenance services on the MQ-4C Triton drone, mission control and operator training...

Australia has been upgrading its counter-terrorism capabilities. Queensland's counter-terrorism unit will start training in a new village simulation. The planned $46.7 million counter-terrorism hub...
video analytics conference

As every year, the fifth Video Analytics Conference and Exhibition organized by iHLS have gathered the leading experts, developers, entrepreneurs and manufacturers from the...

The video field is currently going through an accelerated revolution. All the information is web-based and accessed by users through smart devices. The amount...
police software

Current police dash cam systems typically only record video or ship the video back to the cloud for analysis. An intelligent in-car video system...
