photo illus. cyber by Pixabay

This Invention Will Revolutionize Communication Authentication

Authentication is one of the core pillars of wireless communications security, along with secrecy and privacy. The value of authentication in a military setting...
photo illus. satellite by Pixabay

Soon: Jamming-Resistant GPS Signal 

The U.S. Space Force has completed upgrades to the Global Position System’s ground segment that will allow it to partially use a new military...
startup accelerator

Call for Startups – Apply to iHLS Security Accelerator 8th Batch

Are you developing a ground-breaking technology in the fields of unmanned systems, coping with COVID-19 pandemic, counter drones, border security, safe city? We invite you...
quantum computing

As Quantum Computing and IoT Merge

Quantum computing is still in a development stage but it is expected to accelerate us into the future by impacting the landscape of artificial...

ISIS and Hamas Use Cryptocurrency for Laundering

A think tank urges EU governments to collaborate on a regulatory framework for tighter regulations on money laundering by terrorist organizations. ISIS is using...

Cyber Intelligence Crucial for Cybersecurity Plan Validation

By Or Shalom, security and cyber expert and adviser The establishment of a work plan in the cyber field is not a simple task. Alongside...

How Safe is Zoom App?

The Zoom video conference app has seen a huge rise in downloads since quarantines were imposed around the world. Public Zoom hangouts and working...

Prepare Now for Year Y2Q Quantum Threats

Quantum computers are expected to supply the most powerful computing capabilities ever. Advances in quantum computing are finally beginning to reach commercial applications, such...

IoT Security – Killing the Problem at Its Source

In an internet-connected world where devices are networked, the security of embedded devices is essential, as they are more and more exposed to cyber...
Photo illust. AI by Pixabay

Technological Race – Will it Revolutionize Battlefield?

“The race to build next-generation technology is reshaping the contours of global relations.” However, new technologies like artificial intelligence “will neither cause a revolution...
quantum encryption

New Player at Quantum Cryptography Field

Quantum cryptography is called the “ultimate code” as it is theoretically impossible to hack. Many countries have been rushing to put quantum cryptography into...
connectivity at battlefield

Connectivity – Name of the Game at Remote Battlefield

Connectivity is the name of the game when it comes to coordination and information flow. The US Army’s global network GAIT (Global Agile Integrated...

Secure Communications – Enabled by 3mm Chip

In most leading security standards used in secure communication methods — from withdrawing cash from the ATM to purchasing goods online on the smartphone...

Quantum Supremacy Race – New Cold War

By harnessing the properties of quantum physics, powerful quantum computers have the potential to sort through a vast number of possibilities in nearly real...
quantum tech for security

Register! First Quantum Tech for Security Conference

Take a closer look at the quantum revolution at the Quantum Tech Conference on November 18, 2019 at the Lago Conference Center, Rishon LeZion. FREE...
Photo illust quntum Pixabay

Register! First Quantum Tech for Security Conference

Take a closer look at the quantum revolution at the Quantum Tech Conference on November 18, 2019 at the Lago Conference Center, Rishon LeZion. FREE...
Photo illust NIST Flickr

Attend Quantum Tech for Security Conference

Take a closer look at the quantum revolution at the Quantum Tech Conference on November 18, 2019 at the Lago Conference Center, Rishon LeZion. The...
Photo illus Pixabay

Remarkable Innovation in Video Surveillance Field

The global video surveillance equipment market is expected to grow by $1.7B this year, according to IHS Markit. Undoubtedly, there is a growing demand...

Quantum Tech Conference: Quantum Computing for Security

Take a closer look at the quantum revolution at the Quantum Tech Conference on November 18, 2019 at the Lago Conference Center, Rishon LeZion. The...
Photo illustration US Navy

Two-Factor Verification in Response to Shared Economy Challenges

A new technology provides a quick, easy confirmation that the person you’re looking at is the person they say they are.  When the driver,...
smart watch

Smart Campus Access Enabled by Smart Watch

A new series of smart campus products now support contactless student IDs in Apple Wallet. Allegion, which specializes in seamless access technologies, announced that the...
Photo quantum from NIST Wikimedia

No. 1 Innovator in Quantum Technology

Hacking-resistant communications networks, sensors that see through smog and around corners, and prototype computers that may someday smash the computational power of any existing...


image provided by pixabay

Enhancing Thermal Imaging for Military and Medical Use

University of Houston professor of electrical and computer engineering Jiming Bao developed a new method to measure the continuous spectrum of light that is...