Cyber Security

Cyber Security

A research done several months ago by a leading american research institure, Brookings, shows the the rate of technological advancement has been speeding up...

An Israeli Start-up company has found a solution to assist companies facing threats of cyber attacks into their databases and using the confidential data...

The medical technologies have been taking a giant leap in the past years, producing instruments that can monitor, store and transmit data on one’s...

American goverment officials for the Department of Homeland Security chose Illinois University and its researchers to head a research program for developing and upgrading...

Critical national infrastructures are under constant threat that is increasing constantly because of three factores put together: Globalization, technological advances and the increase of...

While cyber hacks and attacks can cause massive damage to both economic and goverment factors, it’s not only sophisticated hackers that cause damage. In...

The IBM annual security survey for 2014 reveals that in that year the number of security related events that turned into full cyber attacks...

In response to growing threats of cybercrime and cyber attacks in recent years, a first-ever conference on this issue was opened  at the International Atomic...

Preventing malware attacks before they can happen has been a top priority for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate’s (S&T)...

Skillful hackers’ cyber attacks are getting more and more common in today’s technological world. Just a few days ago, such an attack brought down...

Following reports on Israel’s involvment in planting a spy software in the hotels where the nuclear talks took place, I-HLS was given the professional...

Malcolm Frost, the United States Army  spokesman, admitted that a few days ago the official website of the Army was hacked. A group of...

In the last two months, there is an ongoing governmental investigation trying to figure out the identity and the way someone was able to...

The right for privacy or the general interest to safeguard the public's privacy – which one wins in case of a clash? After failing...

ISIS is the most prominent and most successful terror organization that exists today. Apart from its cruelty, its most prominent ability is the way...

Brazil's military approach to cyber insecurity is consistent with a broader effort to find a role for the Brazilian armed forces in the 21st...

The hackers are everywhere. A string of high-profile hacks — the most recent on President Obama’s personal email account — have made cybercrime an...

Smartphone technology built by Lockheed Martin promises to verify a user's identity based on the swiftness and shape of the individual’s finger strokes on...

Israeli experts say that this claim has to be investigated further but add that is was clear the the connectivity on passenger aircraft is...

The U.S Navy has kicked off a project to collaborate with outside scientists on research and development that will help protect the branch’s flying...

Participants across 16 Industries, Including Five of World's Top 10 banks, Six of Top 10 retailers, Use IBM X-Force Exchange Threat Intelligence IBM (NYSE: IBM)...

A new report details a malicious and largely unknown targeted attacks on oil tankers. First discovered in January 2014, the ongoing attacks on oil...
