Fire Fighting

Fire Fighting

public safety

The public safety community has long called for mobile broadband to support its mission to save lives. With the adoption of LTE mobile broadband...

DJI has teamed up with thermal imaging specialists FLIR to launch a new two-lensed camera system. The double-eyed drone enables drones to break new ground...

In the public safety sector, mission-critical communications must get through, as the information is highly important to the first responders. While many smartphones now...

Quite a few drone developments focus on clean energy technologies for powering the unmanned aerial vehicles. But drones can also contribute to the environment...
911 call centers

As first responder agencies in the US move toward shared ESInet environments and full next-generation 911 infrastructure (NG9-1-1), the ability to record multimedia communications...
fire fighting

The ability to fight fires from the air at night would give aircraft more hours in the day to respond to fires and therefore...

An advanced UAV reconnaissance system was successfully tested, and will soon serve the U.S. Air National Guard in conducting airborne assessment of natural disasters...

Firefighters and other first responder teams often need real-time information about the construction of the place they are entering in order to save lives....
panoramic thermal imaging

Sometimes there is a need to cover a wide horizontal field of view in the imaging. The commercial solutions for providing broad panoramic thermal...

Drones in the service of first responders can eliminate surprises by understanding a scene and its threats far better than possible from the ground....
big data

Drones offer a vast, bird’s eye view for collecting data, which can contribute enormously to diverse areas such as weather, traffic flow, and even...
first responders capabilities

First responders capabilities are to be enhanced within the framework of the US efforts to advance smart city technologies. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS)...

During a disaster, thousands of people are trying to communicate through the same network at the same time in the same area. This results...
active shooter

The US has been enhancing preparedness to active shooter attacks. Using cutting-edge video game technology and animation, the U.S. Army and Homeland Security Department...
first responders

First responders’ successful operations depend to a large extent on good communications capabilities. The US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate...
first responders

First Responders often lack sufficient means of communications in an emergency, due to the lack of cellular coverage etc., a situation that makes it difficult...

Forest surveillance in northeast China is the latest mission to add to the list of civil tasks conducted by drones in the Rainbow series,...
survivors in burning buildings

Engineers from two universities, Ruhr-Universität Bochum and University of Duisburg-Essen, have developed novel signal processing methods for imaging and material characterization with the aid...
first responders

A large-scale exercise to assess authorities’ capabilities to improve first responders’ preparedness and response to an urban, critical incident was recently conducted at the...
training installation

As we learn from experience, most of the trapped victims in the aftermath of earthquakes and other natural disasters are rescued by by-passers, rather...

The Georgia Institute of Technology has recently stated in a media release that according to a study it’s conducted, edge computing and fog networks...
Iot technologies

The US has been harnessing IoT technologies in attempt to advance a wide array of Smart City applications as well as in response to...