Living in the future – technology as urban infrastructure

Google announces the formation of Sidewalk Labs, whose goal is finding technological solutions to issues rising in urban living such as living expenses, transportation...

City Surveillance Cameras double the force for authorities

As city centers became more crowded, so did crime become more common. In dealing with rising crime rates in its region, the Orlando City...

Egozi’s Fury – Rockets and Boycott on Israel

Again, rockets were fired from the Gaza Strip. I won’t relate to the ridiculous response by the IDF, sending the airforce to bomb "terror...

“Movie-Style” Surveillance and Operations vehicles

You are standing by a white, shiny, family car. This car looks just like the car next door. You are going past a new SUV,...

Fast Draw – The threat from Lebanon

Hezbollah's open preparations for another round against Israel are extremely worrying. They are not only worrying due to the dozens of rockets the terror...

Pentagon Reports -China is developing Satellite Killers

Chinese technology is accelerating into worrying new arenas, warns the Pentagon’s annual report on Chinese military power. But that doesn’t mean China is overtaking...

Preparation for Earthquakes: Monitor, Predict, Prevent, Control

Preparing ahead of emergency situations and mass disasters on a national scales is not ’recommended’ or subject to considerations of cost or likelihood. Rather,...

Will body cameras become a standard in the Israeli police?

Body-worn cameras are rather small. Thus, they can be comfortably attached to a shirt pocket, collar, hat, or even specially designed sunglasses. Nevertheless, they...

“Killer robots” are here – shall we let them operate?

Killer robots are here: in the air, at sea and on the ground. The looming question is whether we should let them do that...

Video Analytics in the Cyber Age

Figures released by the UN seem to speak for themselves: by 2030, over 60% of global population will reside in urban centers. This development...

Additional violation of privacy

We’ve already grown used to the surveillance cameras. Now there are microphones beside the cameras and in the not-so-distant future facial recognition apps will...

Iranian plan for EMP attack on the US

According to WND news site a “secret” Iranian military handbook confirms that Iran is including among its arsenal of plans, to launch a nuclear...

Surveillance cameras in passenger planes?

Discussions in the aftermath of the Germanwings plane crash have raised the demand that surveillance cameras would be put in the cockpit, as an...

Special Bulletin – A “Missile Defense Summit” in Herzelia

A “summit” of those dealing with aerial threats, mainly ballistic missiles, is being held this morning in Beit-Haayal in Herzelia. The convention is hosted...

FirstNet Releases RFI, Budget

Announcements by the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet) show progress at the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet), an independent authority...

The underground threat is not an exclusively Israeli problem

A lot of attention has been paid in the past weeks to Israel's struggle against the terror tunnels employed by Hamas in Gaza. Nevertheless,...

Downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17- complicated investigation

The U.S is doing a huge effort to prove that pro-Russian separatists are responsible for the downing of Malaysia Airlines FlightMH17. The United States is...

ADME Conference: One Step Ahead

When it comes to air defense, you have to be one step ahead of your opponent, quickly adapting to changing situtions At the beginning of...

BCP&IT Conference: The New Crisis Management C4I Array Revealed

The Crisis management computing array, an emergency management facility, is one of Israel's largest building and C4I projects. The project took several years to...

BCP&IT Conference: “Cyber Command in the IDF”

The Israeli Army must be put in charge of operations during cyber-attack emergencies, and in order to do that the IDF must establish a...

Israeli Minister Gilad Erdan: “Israel is Iran’s Main Target”

"Israel is Iran's main target, and we won't wait until the knife is at our throat before we cry out,” said Home Front Defense...

Northern Virginia Community College is offering a new degree focusing on...

Northern Virginia Community College is offering a new associate degree that focuses on homeland security. The new Homeland Security Specialization degree falls under NOVA’s...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...