Aviation Security

Aviation Security

As unmanned aerial systems (UAVs) grow in popularity, so do the worries about them. In response, several anti-drone systems have hit the market, including...

Security agents working in western airports are trained to detect all kinds of devices that could put a flight in jeopardy: from explosives disguised...

In the case of unbearably long queues for security checks in America’s airports, there is plenty of blame to go around. Both cuts to...

In the current climate, large events must take every possible precaution to protect visitors. For the Euro 2016 football championship, France is employing every...

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has banned the operation of all unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in Nigeria’s airspace without authorisation from the Authority...

Having the right tool for the right job is about half the recipe for success. Unfortunately, having the right tool at the right time...

A police investigation is under way after a passenger plane approaching Heathrow Airport was hit by what is believed to have been a drone....

We’ve have written at length on these pages about the dismal state of security in most consumer-grade tech products. For many manufacturers, it seems,...

China and Russia are hard at work to develop ever more capable radar systems, but the Pentagon has a plan to counter them with...

With the rise of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), so rises the risk of mid-air UAV collisions, whether with other unmanned craft, or worse, with...

IMI systems increases the US Army’s backlog. The U.S. Army has awarded IMI Systems a 5.7 million dollar contract to deliver decoy flares for...

Commercial drones could soon really take off, according to files “obtained from a government-sponsored committee,” the Daily Mail reports. Currently, the US Federal Aviation Administration...

Al-Qaeda has acquired sophisticated surface-to-air missiles, the Independent reports. The weapons was then used to shoot down down an Emirati fighter jet in Yemen. A...

Six months ago, a bomb was smuggled onto a Russian Metrojet passenger plane, which exploded of the Sinai peninsula, killing all 224 onboard. This...

Concorde is dead in the water, but the dream of supersonic passenger flight is most certainly not. Boom is relatively fresh startup that is...

The US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has been pushing for strong regulations to be put in place to protect commercial and private aeroplanes from...

By Arie Egozi The indictment against a computer expert of the Islamic Jihad suggests a serious failure and complacency of the IDF and national bodies...

The world’s largest aircraft, the Airlander 10, prepares to take to the skies. The airship is 25 percent larger than a Boeing 747 and...

The boom in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) industry has brought with it a slew of problems. Safety concerns are prime among them. One...

As drones have become cheaper and more popular, so have the risks associated with them grown proportionally. Last year, in a second incident of...

Cyprus could find itself on the forefront of technological progress if plans materialise to bring postal deliveries by drone to the Mediterranean nation. Post-by-drone...

Members of the general public operating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are a “a real and growing threat” to civilian aircraft, warns Tony Tyler, director-general...
