Photo drone by Pixabay

Airport Runway Maintenance – By Drones

Unmanned aerial vehicles have effectively helped airports control bird migration, conduct construction and maintenance surveys, and calibrate equipment.  A drone has been used for data...
Photo illust US DoD

Predictive Maintenance in Military Sector

A US defense organization expects to take artificial intelligence-fueled tech that keeps aircraft and ground vehicles running smoothly out to sea. A greater understanding...
Photo illust US Air Force-

The Year of Artificial Intelligence

2019 has been undoubtedly the year of artificial intelligence in the US military. Military leaders recognize AI’s potentially seismic impact on their mission and...
Innovation photo illust Pexels

The Ministry of Defense is Calling for New Technologies

iHLS INNOFENSE - Innovation program for technological startups in the civilian and security sector, which will be operated by iHLS in collaboration with the...

The Ministry of Defense is Calling for New Technologies

iHLS INNOFENSE - Innovation program for technological startups in the civilian and security sector, which will be operated by iHLS in collaboration with the...
Photo illustration US Army

Innovative Process to Save Military Costs

Tactical armored vehicles require specialized repair procedures, which is very costly. The US Army developed a “cold spray” process allowing it to refurbish worn...
ihls innofense

The Ministry of Defense is Calling for New Technologies

iHLS INNOFENSE - Innovation program for technological startups in the civilian and security sector, which will be operated by iHLS in collaboration with the...
Photo illust drone inspection NASA

UAVs Assist in Predictive Maintenance Missions

While many UAVs rely on ground-based connectivity solutions, they often operate beyond line of sight of point to point digital data links and out...
Photo illust US Air Force

Predictive Maintenance Enables Major Advantage to Military Forces

Advancements in technology are spurring US Special Operations Command to examine how it can improve its artificial intelligence capabilities on a data-driven battlefield. One...
Photo illustration Echole Polytechnic Flickr

iHLS INNOFENESE Innovation Center – Call for Startups for Ministry of...

iHLS INNOFENSE - Innovation program for technological startups in the civilian and security sector, which will be operated by iHLS in collaboration with the...


Image provided by pixabay

Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...