Mini and micro BlueBird UAVs: Eye in the sky

BlueBird is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Natural disasters, e.g. a flood, an earthquake,...

iHLS TV – Special Review: unmanned aerial systems and vehicles

iHLS TV Special Review: Airborne and aerial unmanned and autonomous systems and vehicles as unveiled by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). iHLS Israel Homeland Security...

Hurricane images from a UAV direct to your smartphone: the technology...

SDI is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Until not so long ago, we have...

Robotic pilot-controlled towing tractor for passenger jets? No longer science fiction

Wind River is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 IAI will be presenting at the...

HD-quality video: Now available in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

CONTROP is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Operational demands from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)...

Protecting Internet of Things from malicious attacks

In this day and age, when IoT (Internet of Things) is fast becoming a key feature of everyday life, any malicious strike and intentional...

Are the Night Vision Goggles Used in the Bin Laden Raid...

The $65,000 goggles allow SEALs to clear corners better than the traditional night vision eyepieces, which are like “looking through toilet paper tubes.” L-3’s Ground Panoramic...

GM, University of Michigan to work on connected vehicle corridor

Connected vehicle technology will wirelessly connect vehicles to each other, and to the Internet, with the promise of a reduction in accidents and other...

ImiLite on its way to more customers

Rafael is negotiating the sale of its ImiLite system to some more armed forces. The German Air Force was the launch customer for the Rafael...

Non-lethal crowd dispersal means: the gaffe

The riots and disturbances in Jerusalem and its outskirts in recent months have one again proven the need for non-lethal crowd dispersal means. In fact,...

Cell phones for UAS

IAI is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Fourth generation cellular technology enable small unmanned...

A drone that can save lives

The Netherlands has unveiled a prototype of an "ambulance drone" which could potentially save lives by offering a rapid response after heart attack incidents....

Blade Arrow – armed loitering UAV

UVISION is among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 It would seem that preventing almost...

BNET radio for Israeli Air Force

The Israeli Air Force (IAF) will use the BNET software defined radio (SDR) system developed by Rafael as its main communication system on existing...

Dedicated Payloads and surveillance means – part 2

ELBIT and CONTROP are among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 Part 1 specified the...

Dedicated Payloads and surveillance means – part 1

ELBIT and CONTROP are among the presenters at the upcoming Autonomous Unmanned Systems & Robotics Expo on November 25-26 2014 The iHLS technology desk...

This Could Be the Future of Battlefield Robotics

The floor of the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C., was an obstacle course this week, as the Association of the United...

US: the Federal Bureau of Prisons introduces Millimeter Wave Scanner

The Federal Bureau of Prisons is examining a new technology for its security details, a millimeter wave scanner, designed to screen visitors, internees and...

Tougher longer life armor glass

Transparent armor is used in a large variety of military and police armored vehicles to provide superior situational awareness while preserving the security of...

New lightweight Armor

Stark Aerospace has recently unveiled ProtectLite Armor, a cost effective lightweight, highly resilient, survivability solution at the 2014 AUSA Annual Meeting & Exposition, being...

Counter IED and Mine System unveiled

Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) unveiled its new CIMS (Counter IED and Mine Suite) - an integrated suite of sensors for protection of tactical maneuvering...

Wearable translation technology

Responding to disasters around the world requires communicating in foreign languages, the US Army’s Science, Technology and Experimentation division has teamed up with government...


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Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...