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The Israeli Military’s recent attack near an Iranian nuclear site reportedly used locally developed air-to-surface missiles called The Rampage. Tehran has reportedly downplayed the...
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Sources report that Iran is meant to receive its first Su-35 Flanker fighter jets from Russia in the next few weeks or even days....
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Chinese researchers reveal a new radar technology they claim can easily detect stealth aircraft, including the US Army’s F-22, which is known for its...
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The US Air Force conducted the first simulated aerial battle between an AI-modified F-16 called the X-62A and a human pilot. The X-62A did...
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In a revolutionary step for telecommunications, data centers, and artificial intelligence systems, researchers at UPV’s Photonics Research Laboratory in Spain worked with private company...
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Researchers from the Beijing Power Machinery Research Institute and the Dalian University of Technology integrated a cheap AI chip module (the NVIDIA Jetson TX2i)...
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Scientists introduce cyborg insects as a solution to the limitations of traditional robots in swarm navigation. New research integrates living insects with miniature electronic controllers...
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The US armed forces are planning to get MSI’s Electronic Advanced Ground Launcher System (EAGLS) to fight off drones in the Middle East, which...
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Researchers from Oxford University developed “blind quantum computing” – a new approach to securely connect two quantum computing entities using existing fiber optic systems....
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The two nations confirmed their collaboration on a counter-hypersonic missile system called the Glide Phase Interceptor (GPI) Cooperative Development program, meant to help Japan...
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The UK-based Space Solar is presenting a breakthrough in wireless power transmission technology, bringing the age of space-based solar power by delivering gigawatts of...
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Artificial intelligence is gaining use in modern warfare – what does it mean, and is it dangerous? AI, while faster than humans, is not...
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The US will reportedly station its state-of-the-art Typhon missile system capable of firing both SM-6 and Tomahawk missiles in the Asia Pacific region by...
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Northrop Grumman Corporation announced a new unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) prototype called the Manta Ray, which can reportedly carry out long-range, extended-duration, and large payload-capable underwater...
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Researchers have created fiber-based electronics that harness electromagnetic energy in the atmosphere, using the human body as part of the circuit. This fiber electronic technology...
screenshot from IWI video

Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) recently announced a new, first-of-its-kind “computerized small arms system” that is designed for more accurate firing during combat. The Arbel system...
image from video

The US Navy is going to get KHA’s solar-powered K1000ULE drone, which will be used as part of their Small Unit Remote Scouting System....
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This space tech brings the solution for challenges like in-hospital cross-infections and carbon emission – project PASTA (Plasma Air Sterilization and Treatment Apparatus). HAIs, or...
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Researchers developed “smart swarms” of miniature robots after drawing inspiration from nature, observing ant colonies, fish schools, and beehives. These mini-bot swarms collaborate through engineered...
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Quantum computing company Quantinuum and tech giant Microsoft claim they reached an “unprecedented” breakthrough in quantum computing reliability, drastically reducing error rates and physical...
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The Southwest Research Institute was commissioned by the United States Air Force to develop a new “cognitive” electronic warfare system, with algorithms to help...
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Flexible solar cells are hailed as the future of solar power and have many potential applications in aerospace and flexible electronics, but their low...
