Immediate Construction of Military Barracks

3D printing technology can replace more time-consuming traditional forms of construction, such as creating infrastructure to help communities respond to natural disasters, along with...
3d printing tech for battlefield

Giant 3D Printer Under Development

Additive manufacturing — also known as 3D printing — has been in development for decades and the U.S. military branches and the defense industrial...
aircraft spare parts

World First –  External 3D-Printed Part Installed in Combat Aircraft 

A new production process of aircraft parts reduces the operational time lost in repairs and means that other jets do not have to be...
3d printing

Full Drone Manufacturing by 3D Printer

In the future, people shouldn’t be expected to have an engineering degree to build robots, any more than they should have a computer science...

Dual-Use Applications to New Meta-Material

The longitudinal and shear energy waves produced by earthquakes travel through the ground and can destroy buildings miles from the epicenter. Preventing that damage...

3D Printer to Supply Scalpel Right at Battlefield

Critical care at the battlefield will save lives and provide a more complete recovery thanks to the innovative use of 3D printers.  3D printers can...

On-Demand Pharmaceuticals Printing at Battlefield

It can often take weeks to months to manufacture and airlift organic pharmaceuticals and protein therapeutics to battlefield frontlines, meaning that critical medical supplies...

Nine Growth Opportunities for Post-Corona Age

The COVID-19 pandemic has created new opportunities for innovation. The smart city global market is expected to reach $2.46 trillion by 2025. In fact,...

Soon: Self Healing Military Platforms

By tweaking the chemistry of a single polymer, researchers at Texas A&M University and the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Army Research Laboratory...

Revolutionizing Aircraft Manufacturing 

One of the biggest bottlenecks for the modern aerospace industry is that conventional engineering and manufacturing techniques are far too slow for a rapidly...
3d printing

3D Printing Technology Recruited for New Mission

3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is becoming more and more prevalent in the military maintenance and logistics fields. The technology will soon be used...
photo illus. by Pixabay

Call for Israeli and World Startups: Security Accelerator’s 8th Batch with...

Do you have a groundbreaking technology? iHLS, an expert on security technology with a focus on dual-use technologies invites startups from Israel and abroad to...
3d printing tech for battlefield

Robust Parts for Battlefield Conditions Produced by Unique Technology

Replacement parts for military systems are usually ordered from warehouses thousands of miles away from the troops, only to wait weeks for them to...
3d printing

Respirator Challenge – Advanced Technology Organizations Offering Solutions

As coronavirus spreads globally, shortages of medical supplies have become a major problem. The urgent need for respiratory ventilators has become a major challenge...

$15 Tool Will Save Air Force Millions in Labor Costs

The United States Air Force is about to save millions of dollars each year, all thanks to a 3D printed tool invented by a...

New Player at Cargo Drone Arena

A new cargo drone capable of lifting 180kgs (400lbs) of payload has reached the stage of commercial testing in Canada. The aircraft will reportedly...
military technologies

Top 10 Military Technological Developments of 2019

Groundbreaking military technologies were developed during 2019, from new power resources to human-machine teaming. Here are the top 10 of the leading ones developed...

US Army Needs to Kickstart 3D Printing 

The United States Army needs to increase it use of 3D printing according to the U.S. Secretary of the Army, Ryan McCarthy. McCarthy has...
Photo illust Pixabay

Now Tanks Can be Returned to Service Immediately

Thanks to 3D-printing technology, troops could produce replacement parts on the spot, even putting heavy equipment such as an Abrams tank back into the...
robot illust Pexels

Unique Robotic Capability Applied 

Big robots will be developed entirely from 3D-Printed Smart Active Particles or "smarticles," unlocking the principles of a potentially new locomotion technique for swarming...
C5 Galaxy by US Air Force (1)

3D-Printing Gains Momentum  

3D printing technology is developing and pushing technologies in aviation to newer heights. It is only a matter of time until major aircraft components...
Photo by United States Air Force

Device Can Detect Humans Through Walls

In most emergency situations having good and reliable situational awareness is the difference between a successful and unsuccessful operation for first responders. In almost...


Image provided by pixabay

Data Breaches Are Connected to Mass Layoffs, Research

A research team from Binghamton University and the State University of New York explains the connection between mass layoffs and data breaches, theorizing that...