More Relevant than Ever: Following Offshore & Perimeter Security Conference

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The conference and exhibition Border, Perimeter and Offshore Security, organized by iHLS for the sixth year, was especially important this year over the backdrop of the border incidents at Israel’s southern arena, reflecting the need for effective and comprehensive defense not only on Israel’s borders but also on its economic water and critical infrastructures – airports and ports, oil and gas rigs, critical infrastructures of electricity, water, communication, cyber, etc.

Experts with years of experience in the defense industry and the IDF elaborated on the leading technologies in this field.

The conference chairman, Col. (res.) Arik Davidi opened the event, stressing the importance of new technologies in border and offshore security.

Nahum Liss, Head of HQs and Operational Support Dept., Security Div., Ben Gurion Airport at Israel Airports Authority, spoke about the perimeter defense challenge of a large-scale airport, and the response, based on security layers and professional teams.

Security challenges as handled by energy companies were at the center of the presentation by Yoram Laks, Security and Cybersecurity Manager, Energean Israel. He elaborated on the various responses to physical and cyber threats against energy installations.

Elbit Systems’ subsidiary, Elbit Security Systems (ELSEC) also took part in the event. The company develops and supplies solutions for various configurations: coastal surveillance security systems, airport security systems, perimeter security, transportation security, pipeline security and more. ELSEC was recently awarded a $15 million contract from Energean Israel to supply a comprehensive solution for the Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) platform of the offshore Karish-Tanin gas fields in Israel’s economic water.

Danny Lacker, Water Security Unit Manager, Israel’s Water Authority, elaborated on security challenges faced by water companies in routine and emergency. During the last decade, most of the resources have been invested in the protection and monitoring of the water instead of the installations. All the water agencies have been connected to the national cyber directorate.

Oren Elkayam, CEO, Mobilicom, spoke about his company’s experience in border, perimeter & offshore security.

Operational mobility in the HLS space was at the center of the presentation by Miki Bar, CEO, EZRaider, who showcased their personal all-terrain vehicle for various applications – civilian, military, HLS, special forces, police, etc.

Meir Hahami, VP Technologies, DSIT, spoke about the optical fiber sensing of oil, gas, and water pipes for defense or leak detection purposes. This successful company started its way at iHLS Security Accelerator several years ago.

Radars for perimeter protection – a paradigm shift in security – this was the motto of Gadi Bar-Ner, VP Marketing and Business Development, Magos Systems.

Mickey Malka, CEO, Kronos Group, elaborated on drone risks and opportunities. The company’s solutions are designed for both the detection and neutralization of drones and the use of drones for infrastructure security and the replacement of human teams in dangerous venues.

Border security concept – from theory to practice was the title of the presentation by Col. (Res.) Royee Beary, CEO, MTS, a company that plans border and perimeter control and protection, as well as the response for criminal and terrorist activities.