New Technologies to be Tested by Navy Warriors

new technologies

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A new augmented reality helmet will be among the new technologies tested at the forthcoming US Navy Trident Warrior exercise, where US sailors are exposed to the newest innovations in naval systems warfare and provide feedback on the systems to commanders and developers.

The Unified Gunnery System augmented reality helmet, known as GunnAR, visually synthesizes data from a ship’s weapons systems with information feeds from a ship’s gunnery liaison officer.

According to, the Trident Warrior exercise allows sailors to conduct real-time simulated operations using new hardware technology, like GunnAR helmets, but it also allows sailors to engage with the latest software and cyber technology.

For example, another system, the Naval Integrated Tactical–Cloud Reference for Operational Superiority (NITROS), is one piece of cyber technology that played a key role in last year’s Trident Warrior exercise, according to a Navy press release, and may appear this year as well.

The NITROS initiative is part of the Navy’s drive to effectively process and use the vast influx of data that advanced C4ISR technology is now providing. It is designed to analyze organic and non-organic data coming in from a variety of platforms and sources, and turn it into valuable tactical information, the Navy said.

The most important part of the Trident Warrior exercise is the feedback given by the sailors who operated the new technology. Comments are given anonymously so that personnel is not afraid to be honest about the experience.