iHLS Security Accelerator First Cycle Graduated – Come and See Projects

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iHLS is proud to present the projects which graduated iHLS Accelerator’s first cycle. The celebratory event will take place on December 12, 2016 at 10:00 AM at the Lighthouse compound.

During the event, the entrepreneurs chosen to participate at the security accelerator will unveil their projects.


On the program:

10:00 Networking

10:40 Presentation of iHLS security accelerator

11:30 Unveil of the projects

12:30 Refreshments and B2B meetings

Registration to the Event

This is the start-up top team of iHLS security accelerator’s first cycle:

Listenapp – A secure service platform for smartphones, by alerting and enabling secure communication. The platform enables organizations and users to take smart decisions regarding their mobile interactions.

Faception – A technology company producing personality profiling based only on their facial analysis. The technology is ground-breaking in the fields of computerized vision and machine learning and is capable of analyzing face images and uncover personality traits on real time.

One – A project that developed a mobile system which enables the shooter to calibrate his weapon with only one bullet. The solution developed is suitable for all sorts of light arms, compatible with any site and gives a solution to shooting from any distance without using a firing range.

3Dor – develops a simulation infrastructure for the analysis of movement and interaction of complex elements for military operations research. The simulation enables with rapid compatibility to test the operations of dynamic systems such as defense systems and smart munition.

SafeLand – A project for the development of a unique drone command and control system for security and civilian uses. The practically mobile system is mounted on a platform and is able to take off and land the drone autonomously, anchor and recharge it with the project’s unique solutions.

LightLine – A sensing system in which the detector is an ordinary optic fiber cable which can be deployed along dozens of kilometers. An electro-optical end-unit at one end of the cable enables the sensing, identification and classification of the signals received along the cable, and turning it into a monitoring system for prolonged infrastructures.

NSG College – Develops digital learning platforms together with and for security, governmental and private companies. The company supplies learning portals, internet-based custom-made contents and technological learning instruction arrays, including VR arrays.

Tetatech – Poduces Virtual Reality applications that include combat environment scenarios, weapon systems operation and military and security solutions presentation in a realistic 3D demonstration.

The companies that sponsor the accelerator include the Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI), Raytheon, Verint, Incubit – Elbit Systems’ Incubator, Lighthouse, PwC and Herzog Fox Neeman Law Office.

Registration to the Event