Eyal Halevy, Paragon GM, On Nice Global Forum on HLS 2016

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“The Global Forum on Homeland Security & Crisis Management” in Nice, France on October 25-28, 2016 is an annual international meeting of decision makers, leaders, and experts in the field of Homeland Security and Crisis Management.

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Eyal Halevy

The Nice Global forum is organized by the Paragon Group in cooperation with the nice municipality. The mayor of the French city is the official host. iHLS is the official media sponsor of this unique event.

According to Eyal Halevy, general manager of the Paragon Group, the event is creating big interest all over the world: “We expect at least one thousand people to attend. The list will include anti terror experts, ministers, officials from defence companies and representatives of the Jewish communities in the U.S, France, and Israel.”

What stirs the international interest in this event?

Over the last decade the dangers and threats faced by modern countries have significantly increased, whether they are due to natural disasters or human actions,” Halevy  said.

The accelerated processes of industrialization and urbanization around the world, along with wasteful utilization of natural resources and energy, have led to climate changes which precipitate extreme natural disasters, such as: droughts, torrential rains and flooding, hurricanes and typhoons, huge forest fires, sand storms, and more.

Are the terror attacks, mainly in Europe, the reason that the subject of Homeland Security necessitated such a forum?

“The processes of political extremism, radicalization, and the dissemination of extreme ideologies, together with the information revolution, and social and cyber networks, have in recent years intensified the dangers facing civilian populations, principally in the form of terror threats, hate crimes, political violence, and a lack of peace and security,” Halevy told iHLS.  He added that civil wars in the “Arab Spring” countries in North Africa and the Middle East have generated a wave of mass emigration to western countries, and in particular to Europe, which has created difficult moral and operative dilemmas for decision makers.

NFG“These and numerous other problems, such as the rapid changes in the characteristics and scope of threats and dangers faced by homeland security teams, necessitates an annual gathering of decision makers, for the purpose of joint investigation of the challenges and dilemmas, discussion of possible solutions, and sharing of accumulated information and experiences in coping with the dangers and threats to homeland security.”

The Nice Global Forum (NGF) on Homeland Security & Crisis Management is a meeting place for all relevant sectors dealing with homeland security and crisis management – governmental, public, private, and academic.

At NGF 2016, senior officials from Homeland Security offices, Security and Police systems, as well as Emergency and Rescue organizations will meet with managers of technology, manufacturing and consulting companies that focus on homeland security, as well as security experts and academic scholars who research a variety of topics related to homeland security.

If you want to personally meet a forum of the world’s leading decision makers and premier international experts in the field of homeland security, and if you have anything to contribute, to share, or to present, or you are interested in encountering and learning about the homeland security challenges – your place is with us at NGF 2016 in Nice.